How to add and save name textfield to simple news block
I know that a similar question has been asked before but the problem 开发者_Python百科that it doesn\'t have a complete answer for my question In drupal how to add name textfield to simple news block[详细]
2023-04-04 11:02 分类:问答Making an existing content type a field in another content type in Drupal 7
I\'m still working my way up the learning curve for Drupal and I can\'t seem to find an answer. I have created a custom content type.In my case, it describes an investment property (purchase price, r[详细]
2023-04-04 01:40 分类:问答Drupal 6 Rules Execute custom php output not in html body
I\'m using drupal-6.22, rules-6.x-1.4, and some modules. With the help of rules module, I\'ve set a triggered rule, when the condition happens, it execute custom php code.[详细]
2023-04-03 18:52 分类:问答Module does not show up in blocks (6.x)
I have a module that I\'ve activated, but it does not show up in the disabled blocks list. The module is named \"My Module\"[详细]
2023-04-03 15:55 分类:问答Git: after commiting new files, I cannot commit, because of »branch up to date«-message
this is one of my first postings on stackoverflow. I hope I explain my problem clearly for you. I have a local git repo and I work with a git repo on drupal.org (I have the maintainer-permissions). I[详细]
2023-04-02 20:50 分类:问答Drupal 7, Not sure how to theme my output correctly from query data
I’ve been using Views to selectively returned nodes, but right now I want to return my nodes and use the Taxonomy term as a group header. I can\'t see anyway to get Views to do this for me, other the[详细]
2023-04-02 20:29 分类:问答Setting up Xdebug for drupal site
I have been trying to get xdebug, netbeabs 7.0 and drupal work to no avail. The drupal site is hosted remotely on xyz.com:8081. The port forwarding is setup to forward the port 9000 to the host in tha[详细]
2023-04-02 04:47 分类:问答Product Categorization, Viewing and adding to Menu in Drupal 7
I\'m searching for ideas to do the following in Drupal-7: 1- Create product categories (Main category, and sub categories, and products itself...)[详细]
2023-04-02 02:28 分类:问答how to cc on drupal_mail
I tried the following: function tester_mail($key, &$message, $params) { switch($key) { case \'notice\':[详细]
2023-04-01 18:41 分类:问答Alter a hardcoded form of options based on $user already saved
What I\'m trying to accomplish I\'m building a favorites module and I need the ability to: Select from a dropdown, hardcoded list of options[详细]
2023-04-01 11:06 分类:问答