Django: Display image in admin interface
I\'ve defined a model which con开发者_运维问答tains a link an image. Is there a way to display the image in the model items list? My model looks like this:[详细]
2022-12-23 01:54 分类:问答金像奖星装大有来头 周冬雨窦靖童有范?
金像奖星装解析:周冬雨MiuMiu立体花朵露背挂脖礼服 Giuseppe Zanot开发者_开发知识库ti蝴蝶结手袋娇小秀美背[详细]
2022-12-19 07:42 分类:问答Why is document.body == null in Firefox but not Safari
I have a problem with a page where I am trying to get colorbox (a kind of lightbox for jQuery) working. It doesn\'t work apparently due to the document.body being null in FireFox (3.5.3). This is not[详细]
2022-12-10 01:45 分类:问答