Multiple Passive connections to vsftpd server
I am trying to upload multiple files simultaneously. after establishing a data connection in passive mode, my client sending another \"pasv\" request to the vsftp server to get server and port value.[详细]
2023-01-08 23:34 分类:问答why is a dot in front of include in the freebsd ports makefile? what make do they use?
I was looking through the main makefile in the ports tarball of FreeBSD. I saw the following include directive:[详细]
2023-01-08 20:11 分类:问答Bloated echo command
Look at the following implementations of the \"echo\" command: (OpenBSD)[详细]
2023-01-07 21:18 分类:问答32-bit FreeBSD 7.2 and 1GB mmaps
I\'ve been having some trouble with FreeBSD and large mmaps. Linux does not show the same problems. On program startup it can always get the 1 GB map. However, there\'s a reload operation where the f[详细]
2023-01-07 18:16 分类:问答Syntax error porting C code from Linux to FreeBSD
This is very puzzling to me because the code compiles without errors on a Debian 5 system but on a FreeBSD 7 I get a syntax error here on line 98 for example.[详细]
2023-01-07 15:23 分类:问答Atomic load/store for OSs other than BSD?
Among the atomic operations provided by BSD (as given on the atomic(9) man page), there are atomic_load_acq_int() and atomic_store_rel_int().In looking for the equivalent for other OSs (for example, b[详细]
2023-01-06 22:29 分类:问答How I can get PUID from mp3-file?
I want to streamline my library on FreeBsd using PUID from MusicBrainz. I need a command line utility for this, but I have not been able to find. It would be nice to give input mp3-file and receive PU[详细]
2023-01-02 15:01 分类:问答Weird problems with mysql outfile under FreeBSD
(See my answer below.Leaving this up in case it helps someone else.) What follows is a series of attempts to dump a query to an outfile on a new FreeBSD box that my site has moved to.The results are[详细]
2023-01-02 09:59 分类:问答Problem with the POSIX module
After moving my mod_perl site from Linux hosting to FreeBSD, I have this error in the logfile: Your vendor has no开发者_如何转开发t defined POSIX macro SIGRTMIN, used at ../../lib/ (autospl[详细]
2023-01-01 22:05 分类:问答Best way to install multiple versions of Apache, PHP and MySQL on a single FreeBSD host [closed]
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&开发者_如何学运维;A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references,or expertise, but this question will likely[详细]
2022-12-31 22:22 分类:问答