Programatically assign column weight in a row, within TableLayout
I want to define just one row in my table. To this row, I want to add 3 columns, with the following widths:[详细]
2023-04-03 17:57 分类:问答How to keep the width of the Controls in the TableRow column
I have a tablerow in which i put in a textview with width==50dp;But when i add another tablerow which contains a textview with width==100dp,then the first textview has to be stretched to 100dp.[详细]
2023-04-02 13:13 分类:问答Android: What to do if performance of ListView is still not enough?
Well this topic was and still is debated really a lot and I already read many tutorials, hints and saw talks about it. But I still have problems with my implementation of a custom BaseAdapter for a Li[详细]
2023-04-01 20:06 分类:问答Programmatically adding TableRow to TableLayout not working
I\'m trying to add table rows programmatically following the code here /* Find Tablelayout defined in main.xml */[详细]
2023-04-01 06:06 分类:问答How to get list of product in memory in Android
I have list of product.That may be contain 5000 records.I put pagination.First It load 50 records.Then if we press next option(>) then load next 50 option likewise.I designed table-layout.[详细]
2023-04-01 05:49 分类:问答How to create a table above other list
I want to create a UI as shown in the below link: According to me there can be the following approaches to do it.[详细]
2023-04-01 05:43 分类:问答Android TextEdit expands past screen edge when populated by a large number
I have several text edits in a table layout. With small values, the TextEdits stretch to the edge of the screen.However, large values cause the TextEdits to expand past the screen edge.How do I keep t[详细]
2023-03-31 09:16 分类:问答Scrollable table unobtrusive script
Here is nice piece of code that works fair in all browsers:[详细]
2023-03-30 20:33 分类:问答Zoom controls for Android TableLayout?
I couldn\'t find a proper way to implement the Zoom Controls for the TableLayout. I am thinking about redrawing the table with different font sizes to achieve the zoom effect, is it a good a开发者_如何[详细]
2023-03-29 11:27 分类:问答android dynamic TableRow with doInBackground not working?
////// /////////// public class SeatLayoutActivityextends Activity { private TableLayout mineField; // table layout to add mines to[详细]
2023-03-29 02:01 分类:问答