persistence.xml <persistence-unit name=\"myEntityManager\" transaction-type=\"RESOURCE_LOCAL\"> <class>com.epam.testapp.model.News</class>[详细]
2023-03-29 02:41 分类:问答OpenJPA: Super class property not found for AttributeOverride
When trying to map an inherited property using AttributeOverride annotation, OpenJPA throws an error that it cannot find the property in the super class.I\'m not sure how to map this the correct way.[详细]
2023-03-26 10:24 分类:问答Version of all children is incremented in OneToMany when merging parent entity
I have a OneToMany relationship defined like this: @Entity Parent extends BaseEntity { @OneToMany(mappedBy = \"parent\", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.REFRESH,[详细]
2023-03-24 16:02 分类:问答OpenJPA - lazy fetching does not work
I have a specific problem with an unit test using embedded OpenEJB container. I have a bi-directional relation between two classes. In one direction the relation works properly, but in the opposite di[详细]
2023-03-23 20:32 分类:问答What's the lazy strategy and how does it work?
I have a problem. I\'m learning JPA. I\'m using embedded OpenEJB container in unit tests, but only working is @OneToMany(fetch=EAGER). Otherwise is the collection allways null. I haven\'t found, how t[详细]
2023-03-23 13:59 分类:问答How to write named native subqueries in JPA?
I was given a task to write a named native subquery like select c.comp_name from company c where c.cid = (select cid from com_usr_rel where uid=1100)[详细]
2023-03-22 17:53 分类:问答Does OpenJPA work well with Glassfish?
Is anyone successfully using OpenJPA with Glassfish? I\'m trying to use OpenJPA 2.1 with Glassfish 3.1 Open Source.I\'ve followed the instructions to integrate the two here ->[详细]
2023-03-21 07:01 分类:问答OpenJPA does not create DB2 tables when deploying on Websphere Application Server
I deployed my ear file on Websphere Application server V7.0 and start the application. However, it does not auto create table to my database DB2 and don\'t have any error message.[详细]
2023-03-19 16:09 分类:问答JPA2 Lazy Child Collection with orphanRemoval=true deletes 'not-fetched' children
I have a Parent entity that owns(via mappedBy) a FetchType.LAZY Set<Child> with orphanDe开发者_高级运维lete=true.[详细]
2023-03-19 15:32 分类:问答EntityExistsException When Attempting Bulk Delete With OpenJPA
I have three classes: Location, MTFCC, and BorderPoint. Location has a unidirectional @ManyToOne relationship with MTFCC, which is intended only as a Lookup table. No cascading is defined.[详细]
2023-03-19 10:18 分类:问答