How can I connect an IBOutlet from my code to two different objects in interface builder
I\'m using the iPhone SDK 4.0 and I want to connect IBOutlet UIImageView *block; to more than one image on the view in interface builder. However, w开发者_JAVA百科henever I try and link the second ima[详细]
2023-01-13 17:35 分类:问答Memory leak in UIButton setFont
Hope you all doing well, I am getting a memory leak while s开发者_运维百科etting the font of UIButton. This is the code which I am using to set the font,[详细]
2023-01-12 05:01 分类:问答Problem with sending data to Modal View Controller on iPhone
So I\'ve got one main view with some images on it, and when someone touches one of the images, the image will return an ID number to this main view and then this view will present a modal view control[详细]
2023-01-10 14:41 分类:问答NIB, setValue:forKey and retain (iOS)
I know some mechanism of outlet connection when loading NIB, but I am not sure. So I\'m asking some questions to ensure my knowledge. I assumed these things all true, but It\'s hard to find mention ab[详细]
2023-01-10 14:15 分类:问答How to construct IBOutlet names in code in order to change them?
Let\'s say I\'ve got several UI开发者_开发问答Labels which have been set up in IB and connected to IBOulets in code (label1, label2, label3, label4)[详细]
2023-01-10 05:02 分类:问答IBoutlet , 2 Different ways to Write?
I am new to iPhone OS App development. Can somebody explain whats the difference between IBOutlet UIButton *myButton;[详细]
2023-01-09 12:11 分类:问答Xcode 4 - Connecting Outlets
This page shows how easily I can connect outlets http://developer.开发者_如何学编程apple.com/technologies/tools/whats-new.html in Xcode 4, but I can\'t get it.[详细]
2023-01-09 06:49 分类:问答Is it possible to access an IB object (say, a UILabel) without declaring a IBOutlet property?
I have more than 20 labels that I need to update at runtime, and I was wondering if it could be possible to access them without having to declare properties and outlets for all of them. I tried to ass[详细]
2023-01-09 01:41 分类:问答when to use a IBOutlet?
I\'m a little confused about t开发者_如何学Che IBOutlet.Is it right I should use the IBOutlet when the variable will be changed in the nib?IBOutlet is used when you want to do something with a View yo[详细]
2023-01-05 22:14 分类:问答iPhone SDK/General Xcode question
In the iPhone SDK, in my .n, I can say: -(IBOutlet) UITextField *MyNameIs; -(I开发者_开发知识库BOutlet) UILabel *DisplayMyNameIsHere;[详细]
2023-01-03 01:43 分类:问答