Selecting main class in a runnable jar at runtime
I have two 开发者_如何学编程main classes in the app. When I package it to a runnable jar (using Eclipse export function) I have to select a default main class.[详细]
2022-12-15 15:18 分类:问答Building a runnable jar with Maven 2
I\'m relatively new to the Maven mantra, but I\'m trying to build a command-line runnable jar with Maven. I\'ve setup my dependencies, but when I run mvn install and attempt to run the jar, two things[详细]
2022-12-15 14:42 分类:问答How to package IeEmbed.exe and MozEmbed.exe into an executable Jar file
I use JDIC in my executable Jar file, when it runs, it needs to have IeEmbed.exe and MozEmbed.exe in the same dir as the Jar file, I wonder if there is a way to package all 3 files into a single execu[详细]
2022-12-15 03:43 分类:问答Can I use the classpath to override a file in a jar that is being run?
I have a JAR file that contains an application as well as configuration files for that application. The application loads configuration files from the classpath (using ClassLoader.getResource()), and[详细]
2022-12-10 20:38 分类:问答windows + Mac + app
I have written an app for windows开发者_如何学运维 and Mac environments i.e I have 2 files -- 1) abc.exe and 2)abc.app which work on windows and Mac respt. Now i want to put these two files into one u[详细]
2022-12-09 13:56 分类:问答