QScintilla: how to create a new lexer or modify an existing one?
I find the default lexer for C++ highlighting not very specific enough. I want to at least be able to specify a different color for:[详细]
2023-01-23 06:46 分类:问答How to reset all keyboard shortcuts in notepad++?
I have removed the shortcut for SCI_DELETEBACK and as such my backspace key now outputs a backspace character rather than actually deleting characters.[详细]
2023-01-17 12:43 分类:问答How to override PASTE operations in ScintillaNet?
I am using the Scintilla control from ScintillaNet, and I need to have some control over the paste operations (in order to be able to check some things and/or update the text to be pasted).[详细]
2023-01-16 04:49 分类:问答Adding a new lexer to scintilla/scite (...and eventually wxPython StyledTextCtrl)
Has anyone of you successfully added a lexer to scintilla? I have been following the short instructions at - and even discovered the secret extra inst开发者_[详细]
2023-01-08 17:53 分类:问答Where did System.Design go?
I am making a C# project in which I am using ScintillaNet, and it says: The referenced assembly \"ScintillaNet\" could not be resolved because it has a dependency on \"System.Design, Version=[详细]
2023-01-03 02:02 分类:问答Reading lines from a .NET text/scintilla box without using too much memory?
I have to create a C# program that deals well with reading in huge files. For example, I have a 60+ mB file. I read all of it into a scintilla box, let\'s call it sci_log. The program is using rough[详细]
2023-01-01 23:57 分类:问答How make autoscroll in Scintilla?
I have a simple VB.NET application 开发者_C百科using Scintilla. I don`t know how can I make the control auto scroll when text is added to it.[详细]
2022-12-31 16:25 分类:问答Adding text to Scintilla without losing formatting
I\'m startin开发者_C百科g development using scintilla in VB.NET and I\'m creating a serial terminal program. The Scintilla control shows what data has been received in my computer serial port.[详细]
2022-12-31 01:43 分类:问答jquery sortable item cached? #sortable items: '.class1' filter is not working when class is changed dynamically
i came across a weird problem today: i created a sortable list of divs. each div has a class=\"class1\" and items is set to \'class1\' (see below simplified code). each div has an a href link that cal[详细]
2022-12-26 20:17 分类:问答Gain Access to Mouse Clicks in C# Component
I am using the ScintillaNET component and I am attempti开发者_开发问答ng to capture clicks in the margin, as this will determine how I respond.Unfortunately, the margins capture the mouse events (and[详细]
2022-12-26 02:16 分类:问答