Spacing between displayed query result
I am new to php and MySQL. I am making a script on my website, that deals with mobile downloads. I have 3 tables set up that I am dealing with here.[详细]
2023-03-18 06:51 分类:问答PHP spacing between floated div containing SQL results (paged) and another div containing content
I am having a pr开发者_JAVA百科oblem where I have made a database that contains 7 items. These items are displayed by echoing a variable and set to page in sets of 3. I have some content under the div[详细]
2023-03-16 20:02 分类:问答Report Builder Spacing DBMemo Delphi
I am using a DBMemo (TPPDBMemo) component in reportbuilder within delphi.The Stretch property is true but the control doesn\'t always stretch itself out correctly within the region.[详细]
2023-03-15 22:44 分类:问答How do I get padding between table cells, but not around the entire table?
I want to have a table with padding between each of the cells, but not around the outer edge cells, that is, not around the table itself.[详细]
2023-03-13 13:33 分类:问答How can I set the width of the last column of an html table to a percentage of the available width?
I\'ve got a table with two columns. I set the width of the first column by settings its header\'s width to 30%:[详细]
2023-03-07 12:44 分类:问答RestructuredText - Hyperlinks without leading and trailing spaces
Is it possible to create hyperlinks without leading and trailing spaces?The following doesn\'t work: re`Structured`_Text[详细]
2023-03-07 08:05 分类:问答Adding spaces between WPF controls
I have created two buttons using the following XAML code. <Button x:Name=\"Button1\" Width=\"100\" Content=\"Button1\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Left\" VerticalAlignment=\"Top\" ></Button>[详细]
2023-03-06 05:19 分类:问答Dynamic UIButtons with vertical spacing on a UIScrollView
I need to space UIButtons out on a UIScrollView. The code I have works, however depending on the amount of dataItems I have, the spacing is not even.[详细]
2023-03-04 19:31 分类:问答How to rid of extra white space?
I have a textbox that i use nl2br to insert into db.The problem is that 开发者_运维问答 is adding too much space.Is there a way to assign this an id while being processed or some other way to reduce t[详细]
2023-03-03 20:27 分类:问答Crystal Report font spacing changes
We have some reports that have a large text field.I\'ve set the font to ariel 9.In Crystal Designer, it takes up the space I\'ve given it.When I move it to our Business Objects sever, it moves each le[详细]
2023-03-03 12:20 分类:问答