calling a child page component from parent page component in wicket
I have a problem which I tried to explained in the Image.I hope that will help all to understand what I need.[详细]
2023-04-09 12:05 分类:问答Tomcat usurping 404 not found error, returns 500 instead
ObHumor: Apparently my \"not found\" page cannot be found. :-) I have a Wicket app that has a custom 404 Not Found page. Used to work fine when we ran under Glassfish, and it continues to work fine w[详细]
2023-04-09 11:29 分类:问答Changing how the attributes are presented in Wicket Datatable
I\'m developing a new application in Wicket and have run into a small problem. I\'m using a Wicket DataTable, but I want some of the attributes in the dable to be presented different from their \"act[详细]
2023-04-09 04:02 分类:问答Scala version of Wicket
I\'ve read that there sho开发者_如何学Culd be a (pure) Scala version of the Wicket web framework. But I can not find a project website or anything else about it. Where can I find it?From the related d[详细]
2023-04-09 00:45 分类:问答How can I add an image column to a table in wicket framework?
I want to add a column containing images in each cell of a table in wicket framework. I make the table in a java class and have a createColumns() method as the following:[详细]
2023-04-09 00:29 分类:问答Java Wicket AJAX refresh paginated DataView
I have a page that has a list of Hibernate entities that is loaded dynamically on display of the page. The list is used to create a DataView, which is used to display a paginated list of the entries i[详细]
2023-04-08 08:59 分类:问答Using Cofoja with Wicket (or even with just Maven)
I am trying my darnedest to get Google Cofoja to run in my Apache Wicket application which uses Maven2 as seems to be standard.[详细]
2023-04-08 02:54 分类:问答Apache Wicket - refreshing ListView triggered from inside the ListView
i got the following structure which display editable rows in an html table Panel + WebMarkupContainer开发者_JAVA技巧 - in HTML <tbody wicket:id=\"container\">[详细]
2023-04-07 15:53 分类:问答Wicket application throws exception on start up when starting with jetty:run-exploded
I\'m currently developing a Wicket Spring Hibernate application. For development I\'m using Jetty as web server.[详细]
2023-04-07 11:35 分类:问答color of apache wicket component
I have the following code: <html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xmlns:wicket=\"http://wicket.apache.org/dtds.data/wicket-xhtml1.4-strict.dtd\"[详细]
2023-04-07 03:41 分类:问答