Library for tree search for combinatorial optimization problems
I notice that some of the \"hard\" combinatorial problems I come across can be cast in terms of some type of tree search like alpha-beta pruning, or beam search, or a similar algorithm. However, progr[详细]
2023-02-20 19:42 分类:问答C++ Template meta-magic, template call-site qualification deduction mechanism
I apologise for the verbosity of this example, I contrived it out of a project. The commented, Item 1 and item two, are important in the following code.[详细]
2023-02-17 01:09 分类:问答Given a number K and a set of sorted numbers. Find if there is any number in the set which divides
Given a number k and a set of sorted n开发者_开发技巧umbers. Find if there is any number in the set which divides this number.[详细]
2023-02-14 14:37 分类:问答Generic Query with Entity Framework 4. Generic Repository?
This is my Database Structure : Company CompanyID CompanyName ... Location LocationID LocationName ... Contact[详细]
2023-02-14 00:38 分类:问答Adding a custom view to XML... but with a GENERIC-type
I am working on a custom view with a hope of reusability. It should have a generic type, like this: public class CustomViewFlipper<someType> extends ViewFlipper { }[详细]
2023-02-11 04:10 分类:问答Why don't the Haskell standard libraries make more use of polymorphism?
I\'m in the process of learning Haskell, and type classes seem like a powerful way to make type-safe polymorphic functions. But a lot of the Haskell Prelude functions don\'t use them.More specifically[详细]
2023-02-06 21:20 分类:问答Exception during generic container clearing, C++
I am having problems with clearing of the generic container. In carrying out the function clear() the program fails.[详细]
2023-02-05 23:44 分类:问答How to return last Added Value Primary key in Generic Repository in EF4?
i try to write a repository with Ef 4, but there is a problem. i need return last added row in database return id. for exmple: i added Name, SurName but i can not access last added primary id. My Repo[详细]
2023-02-01 05:42 分类:问答How to add new value with generic Repository if there are foreign keys (EF-4)?
i try to write a kind of generic repository to add method. Everything is ok to add but I have table which is related with two tables with FOREIGN KEY.But Not working because of foreign key[详细]
2023-01-31 18:54 分类:问答recursively convert Map[Int, Map[Int, X]] to Array[Array[X]]
I am trying to write a function that converts between Maps with integer keys to the corresponding arrays. I have the base case done, but am trying to write the recursive case (i.e. multi-dimensional a[详细]
2023-01-28 17:38 分类:问答