Conjuring JQuery Deferred with monadic incantations
Inspired by this (excellent) discussion of using Promises in javascript, I\'m trying to work out how I could use Deferred to chain together async and non-async functions, to avoid paying the callback[详细]
2023-02-22 18:18 分类:问答Difference between State, ST, IORef, and MVar
I am working through Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours (I\'m up to about 85hrs) and I\'ve gotten to the part about Adding Variables and Assignments. There is a big conceptual jump in this chapter, a[详细]
2023-02-21 20:51 分类:问答Haskell multiple functors
I\'m making a fibonacci heap implementation in Haskell, and I\'m not sure exactly what the clean way to do it.[详细]
2023-02-21 12:11 分类:问答Do monads have fluent interfaces?
Forgive me if this question seems stupid, but I\'m quite new to the whole world of functional programming so I\'ll need some denizens on StackOverflow to set me straight.[详细]
2023-02-20 09:31 分类:问答Adding Haskell's Monadic Bind Operator to Scala
In Haskell, you can use the bind operator (>>=) like this: repli :: [a] -> [a] repli xs = xs >>= \\x -> [x,x][详细]
2023-02-20 00:38 分类:问答C++ monad library
Does anyone know of a good monad template library in C++. Perhaps, one that provides some of the common monads that you wou开发者_Python百科ld see in Haskell like Maybe.Something like Maybe can be fou[详细]
2023-02-19 20:29 分类:问答Haskell: Monads and the (:) operator
I have the following: parseExtensions :: GHC.Int.Int64 -> Get [Word32] parseExtensions size = do br <- bytesRead[详细]
2023-02-19 18:40 分类:问答Iterated substitution in Haskell via the Identity Monad
As far as I can tell, one of the big uses of the monadic bind operation is to do variable substitution such as[详细]
2023-02-19 12:28 分类:问答What's a suitable data type?
In the question, Seeking constructive criticism on monad implementation, abesto asked people to criticize his \"Monad\" which kept count of the number of开发者_开发问答 bind operations. It turned out[详细]
2023-02-19 07:40 分类:问答MonadFix instance for Rand monad
I would like to generate infinite stream of numbers with Rand mo开发者_开发百科nad from System.Random.MWC.Monad. If only there would be a MonadFix instance for this monad, or instance like this:[详细]
2023-02-18 17:09 分类:问答