Haskell Monadic forms
A simple question: given the definitions, (From Haskell SOE) do x — el; el\\ ...; en => el »= \\x — do e2\\ ...; en[详细]
2023-03-18 16:47 分类:问答Escaping from the IO monad inside the Continuation monad
A confusing title for a confusing question! I understand a) monads, b) the IO monad, c) the Cont monad (Control.Monad.Cont), and d) the ContT continuation transformer monad. (And I vaguely understand[详细]
2023-03-18 04:39 分类:问答Is Applicative IO implemented based on functions from Monad IO?
In \"Learn You a开发者_如何学Python Haskell for Great Good!\" author claims that Applicative IO instance is implemented like this:[详细]
2023-03-16 20:51 分类:问答Examples of monadic effects inside a rewrite function in Hoopl?
The type of (forward) rewriting functions in Hoopl is given by the mkFRewrite function: mkFRewrite :: (FuelMonad m) =>[详细]
2023-03-16 14:55 分类:问答help on writing "the colist Monad" (Exercise from an Idioms intro paper)
I\'m reading Conor McBride and Ross Paterson\'s \"Functional Pearl / Idioms: applicative programming with effects:\" (The new version, with \"idioms\" in the title). I\'m having a little difficulty wi[详细]
2023-03-14 21:52 分类:问答Do notation without monads: possible?
I have a stateful type with the >> and >>= operators, which is nearly a monad. The intended use is to generate code for another language, and having the do-notation available will be very[详细]
2023-03-14 18:10 分类:问答What happens to you if you break the monad laws?
Do the compiler or 开发者_开发技巧the more \"native\" parts of the libraries (IO or functions that have access to black magic and the implementation) make assumptions about these laws? Will breaking t[详细]
2023-03-14 08:22 分类:问答Haskell monadic IO
compute fp = do text <- readFile fp let (a,b) = sth text let x = data b --g <- x putStr $ print_matrix $ fst $ head $ x[详细]
2023-03-13 18:22 分类:问答How do I do logging in Haskell?
I\'m attempting to use HSlogger to get some information about my program. So I add the following line to my function[详细]
2023-03-12 15:42 分类:问答Using 'Either' in Haskell
I have two values, t1 and t2, of type Either String Type. The Left-value is used for error handling. These values are used in a function which returns Either String Type.[详细]
2023-03-11 06:44 分类:问答