How is \\n and \\\n interpreted by the expanded regular expression?
Within an ERE, a backslash character (\\, \\a,\\b,\\f,\\n, \\r,\\t,\\v)is considered to begin an escape sequence.[详细]
2023-03-26 14:12 分类:问答Lexer that recognizes indented blocks [duplicate]
This question already has answers here: How to use indentation as block delimiters with bison and flex[详细]
2023-03-24 04:14 分类:问答Can't match single character in Alex grammar
I finally got back to fleshing out a GitCommit message mode that I want to add to YI but I seem to missing something basic.I can\'t seem to match a single character in a grammar, all my rules only wor[详细]
2023-03-18 06:12 分类:问答parsing xpath expressions
I want to parse XPath expressions I an looking for a lexer/parser implementation in C++ or Python Here is all the information about XPath parsers I manage to gather :[详细]
2023-03-16 04:59 分类:问答Use of Goto within lexer/parser
I have a lexer/parser pair (which I cribbed off someone else years ago). I am going to be adding a couple of features and thought I would first standardise the use of while(true) containing multiple i[详细]
2023-03-16 04:39 分类:问答Catching "all other" characters in ANTLR
I a开发者_StackOverflow中文版m trying to integrate an ANTLR-defined grammar into NetBeans, and so far valid syntax is working fine.However, currently if you enter any character that\'s not defined in[详细]
2023-03-13 21:32 分类:问答Writing a code formatting tool for a programming language
I\'m looking into the feasibility of writing a code formatting tool for the Apex language, a Salesforce.com variation on Java, and perhams VisualForce, its tag based markup language.[详细]
2023-03-10 15:57 分类:问答Where can I learn the basics of writing a lexer?
I want to learn how to write a lexer. My university course had an assignment where we had to write a parser (and a lexer to go along with it) but this was given to us with no instruction or feedback ([详细]
2023-03-10 10:44 分类:问答JavaCC action in token definition
I was wondering if it were possible to hook i开发者_StackOverflow中文版nto JavaCC\'s lexer to call a function to check if a character is valid.[详细]
2023-03-09 13:34 分类:问答Generate AST of a PHP source file
I want to parse a PHP source file, into an AST (preferably as a nested array of instructions). I basically want to convert things like[详细]
2023-03-09 05:35 分类:问答