How can I write data to file and access it from outside the app (without SD card)?
I am pretty new to Android programming and writing my very first app for my Diploma Thesis. Now I am all but finished but have one thing left that I couldn´t get an answer to anywhere on the net. So[详细]
2023-04-10 06:49 分类:问答open html file on sdcard with phonegap and jquery mobile
i have some HTML files that users can download in runtime to sdcard. Now i want to create a link in my app to open those files. The prob开发者_开发百科lem is, i do not know what i should write in href[详细]
2023-04-09 20:24 分类:问答How to detect that file is located on SD card?
Is there any durable way to detect that is file located somewhere on external (detachable/dismountable) storage?[详细]
2023-04-07 23:33 分类:问答Creating an array list of names on SD Card Android
I am in the process of developing an android app, and I need a way for the user to enter a Name and then save this name to a .txt file in the SD card. When the user adds another name, this file should[详细]
2023-04-07 04:21 分类:问答Android: move app to sd (totally)
How can I let the user move an app to SD card, but totally? I\'ve usedandroid:installLocation=\"auto\" in the android manifest, but it seems that it not move the entire 开发者_运维百科app, only a piec[详细]
2023-04-06 10:40 分类:问答SD block offset of 251 blocks
I found out that my Windows 7 laptop skips the first 251 blocks of an SD card. When I make a raw dump of an SD card, block 0 on my Windows 7 laptop corresponds to block 251 on my Windows Vista l开发者[详细]
2023-04-06 07:52 分类:问答Check whether the SD card is available or not programmatically
My ap开发者_Go百科p is working for mobiles which have an SD card only. So programmatically I want to check if the SD card is available or not and how to find the SD card free space. Is it possible?[详细]
2023-04-05 14:13 分类:问答Make images and folder invisble to Gallery saved on SDcard?
Hi I want to make images invisible to android gallery or any third party gallery app, the image will be places in specific folder on SD card.[详细]
2023-04-04 20:26 分类:问答Unable to access sdcard
I\'m trying to read/write files to the sdcard. I\'ve tried doing this both on my real phone and on an emulator in eclipse. On both devices the permission to the /mnt/sdcard/ or /sdcard is only \"d----[详细]
2023-04-03 22:18 分类:问答Download apk from market to sdcard programmatically
I would like to download an .apk file on the market to the sd-card without any user interaction (I mean to do it in background, without launching a browser or the Market Applicatio开发者_JAVA技巧n)?[详细]
2023-04-02 19:43 分类:问答