How to get Xlib code work in eclipse for C++ ubuntu
I have some code with the following headers for Xlib but don\'t know what to do to make it work...I can\'t find these headers.[详细]
2023-01-16 21:59 分类:问答X11: How to make the application to be on top
Situation I\'m using matchbox keyboard which is X11 based application. When any application is in full screen mode matchbox keyboard cannot be visible as the full开发者_C百科 screened application is o[详细]
2023-01-16 20:09 分类:问答Touch screen relative coordinates
I\'ve rotated X environment with xrandr -o left|right|inverse|normal on touch screen device. Everything is working OK beside touch. When moving finger on the screen, it takes absolute coordinates of f[详细]
2023-01-15 22:45 分类:问答How to get raw mouse events with XI2 extension?
I\'m using XISel开发者_StackOverflow中文版ectEvents for root window with deviceid=XIAllDevices and mask=XI_RawMotion, but I don\'t get any events. What\'s wrong?While looking through the header files,[详细]
2023-01-14 05:52 分类:问答motif application crashes while calling XtDestroyWidget
We have a 32bit Motif Gui application. Now we ported the application from Solaris to Linux and the system is crashing very frequently. On our analysis we could find that this issue happened when we ar[详细]
2023-01-13 22:24 分类:问答Simulate CAPS LOCK press in Xlib
How do I simulate a CAPS LOCK on and off depress using Xlib开发者_运维技巧?#include <X11/X.h>[详细]
2023-01-13 04:37 分类:问答Xlib : how to get CAPS LOCK status
How to retrieve CAPS Lock key info开发者_如何学JAVArmation using Xlib if it is on or off ?[详细]
2023-01-12 12:54 分类:问答Xlib getting events of a child window
I am writing a simple window manager using xlib. The code reparents client windows into a window slightly larger than the client window called frame window. I am trying to implement a click to focus p[详细]
2023-01-12 03:45 分类:问答How to create a mapped but not visible window with XLib?
I\'m working on a I/O verification tool based on Linux in a game project. It is written in C++, and,since using the same I/O module as our game, it\'s based on OIS 1.2. Thus, though all I need is to p[详细]
2023-01-11 18:45 分类:问答Qt + XCompositeRender problem
I want to render the contents of the window in to QWidget ( or QPixmap ) using XComposite and XRender.[详细]
2023-01-07 16:41 分类:问答