Flash Develop : Build halted with errors (fcsh) why?
I try to recompile a flash package from somebody who has left the company and I have some difficulty to understand why I can\'t.[详细]
2022-12-31 12:25 分类:问答Possible to manipulate UI elements via dispatchEvent()?
I\'m trying to manually dispatch events on a textfield so I can manipulate it indirectly via code (e.g. place cursor at a given set of x/y coordinates). However, my events seem to have no effect.[详细]
2022-12-30 18:53 分类:问答Use Network Services for FDT
I\'ve recently started using FDT, for a while I was using FlashD开发者_如何学Pythonevelop, it had a really handy feature in Compiler options where you can set UseNetworkServices to false which would s[详细]
2022-12-28 00:45 分类:问答Is there an equivalent to C#'s #region directive in AS3?
Just started coding in AS3 with FlashDevelop and coming from a C# background, I would like to know if there\'s something equivalent to the #region directive in AS3?[详细]
2022-12-27 00:36 分类:问答flashplayer for my website
Lets assume i got 3 .flv files in a folder. How can i create a flashplayer which can read the amount of .flv files from that folder and play them. And if example, i add 2 more videos to that folder, t[详细]
2022-12-26 19:49 分类:问答Are there any good tutorials for learning AS3 with FlashDevelop?
I found this question, and it mentions the FlashDevelop wiki. However, I couldn\'t find anything there at all.[详细]
2022-12-26 09:00 分类:问答Concerns about reading a file in Flash 10
I\'d like to read an xml file on a user\'s machine (which can be kind of large). There\'s no point in me sending the file to my server as I can do all the work I need on the file开发者_运维知识库 righ[详细]
2022-12-26 07:39 分类:问答What do we need for flash 10 development?
I\'m looking to do some development in flash 10, s开发者_StackOverflow社区pecifically for the new file api (reading/writing files on the user\'s local machine). What do I need to develop for flash 10,[详细]
2022-12-25 16:15 分类:问答Trace() method doesnt work in FlashDevelop
When I put a trace(\"test\"); at the entry point of my flashdevelop project and run it. The application runs fine but I do not see the trace in the output. Below is my code[详细]
2022-12-25 06:21 分类:问答How to get netstream bytesLoaded and bytesTotal from streaming .mp4?
I have a flex 3 app that uses netstream and a video object to stream .mp4 movies.I want to use the bytesLoaded and bytesTotal properties of the netstream to display the buffering information.I would a[详细]
2022-12-25 05:25 分类:问答