Find the Latest in a Set with Propel 1.5
Similar to the question here, I am attempting to get the latest result for a given set of items. So, if a machine has a history of where it\'s been, I am trying to find the latest place:[详细]
2023-03-29 01:47 分类:问答Adding Functionality to Multiple Base Classes in Propel
I have a group of model peer classes that should all have the same functions. Rather than copying and pasting to each every time I add a new one to the group, I would rather add the functions to a cla[详细]
2023-03-29 01:06 分类:问答Propel 1.6 - Question About Includes
Any ideas how to avoid adding 20 different require() statements to each one of my CI controllers? As a follow up to my previous question about integrating Propel with my project, a more involved prob[详细]
2023-03-28 03:20 分类:问答Const Defined in Base Class Not Resolvable in Child Class
For anyone that has read my last couple of questions, I have successfully got CI and Propel integrated and autoloading is working great.Now I am getting into the nuances of Propel itself.[详细]
2023-03-27 21:48 分类:问答sfGuard and propel pager
I would like to be able to user sfPropelPager with sfGuard\'s user ta开发者_运维知识库ble. I can do the following just fine:[详细]
2023-03-26 06:52 分类:问答Use of Propel's addMultipleJoin
Following on from a previous question about sub-selects, I have an SQL statement with multiple criteria on the join, like so:[详细]
2023-03-24 11:31 分类:问答including xml file in another xml file
In PHP, it\'s possible开发者_StackOverflow中文版 to include 1 php file in another php. Is there something similar for xml files.[详细]
2023-03-23 21:30 分类:问答Configuring propel return type for flex
I use wamp server and Propel.I have written my service using Propel but when I want to connect the data returned from the service Flex cannot recognize the return type.[详细]
2023-03-23 03:18 分类:问答How to use propel as a default ORM in symfony
I am new to symfony,I want to create a application using Symfony framework using propel as ORM(Model),But I don\'t know to how to set Propel as a OR开发者_开发百科M instead of using Doctrine I just wa[详细]
2023-03-22 09:22 分类:问答Column not found error in Criteria
I\'m working on a symfony project and i need to query a many to many relationship, so i made this criteria based function to query the database:开发者_C百科[详细]
2023-03-22 08:46 分类:问答