jqGrid (Delete row) - How to send additional POST data?
I\'m having problem with jqGrid delete mechanism as it only send \"oper\" and \"id\" parameters in form of POST data (id is the primary key of the table).[详细]
2022-12-30 01:56 分类:问答Using my custom colormap in Java for images
I\'ve got a questionconcering a colormapping via index. I tried this code found on http://www.podgoretsky.pri.ee/ftp/Docs/Java/Tricks%20of%20the%20Java%20Programming%20Gurus/ch12.htm[详细]
2022-12-30 01:25 分类:问答PostgreSQL - bind variables and date addition
I need to update some timestamp columns in a table in a Postgres (8.3) database. My q开发者_运维问答uery (simplified) look like this:[详细]
2022-12-30 01:23 分类:问答自考大专多少钱啊?自考大专需要多少钱?
qwe3456 2022-04-29 00:16 为一个科目35元。 以广东省为例,所有考生均须通过广东省自学考试管理系统从【考生报考】通道进行报考,并进行网上缴费。考生报考时如未绑定联系手机,则须先完成本人手机绑定方可报[详细]
2022-12-23 10:55 分类:问答drupal - add select/option list to a form
I am a bit confused. I have created a simple form with a one text box and a submit button.Now I want to add a select/option dropdown box of taxonomy terms, using the taxonomy_get_vocabularies() functi[详细]
2022-12-22 13:07 分类:问答王俊凯有多少钱啊?王俊凯本人有多少钱??
sabrinachou321 2022-05-10 11:59 开发者_开发技巧 在2016《90后十大富豪榜》上排名第六名年仅17岁身价已达2.48亿元[详细]
2022-12-21 13:41 分类:问答求分享一些生二胎在朋友圈给亲朋好友报喜的经典语录??
2022-12-17 12:37 分类:问答怀孕能吃石榴吗(吃了会有什么影响吗)?
2022-12-16 23:19 分类:问答普京提议:有以下情形可剥夺公民身份!?
2022-12-08 20:56 分类:问答