Object added to Array is immediately 'out of scope'
I\'m new to Objective C and I could really use some assistance. I have created a class called Agent.The Agent class contains the following method:[详细]
2023-04-11 23:59 分类:问答Objective C NSMutableArray removeAllObjects will also remove all strings from a file it is loaded from?
I have a NSMutableArray which is loaded from a txt file. There are 5 strings in the file. If Icall removeAllObjects will it remove all strings in the file?[详细]
2023-04-11 23:46 分类:问答NSArray deep copy causes crash
I\'ve been staring at this code for a while now, but can\'t figure out what in the world is wrong.I have a class called SortFilteringController, which manages the different filtering that I have in th[详细]
2023-04-11 18:09 分类:问答Is there any "Built in function to Concatenate the whole NSMutableArray NSString items"?
is开发者_开发问答 there any built in function to Concatenate the whole NSMutableArray NSString items[详细]
2023-04-11 17:58 分类:问答NSMutable Array: Getting "out of scope" Status After Mutable Copying
I have a SOAP service and I generated classes and functions on SudzC.com. So I\'m using the soap functions they generated, it returns an NSMutableArray with objects that are inherited by my custom cl[详细]
2023-04-11 17:06 分类:问答Checking if NSMutableArray contains values from another array
I have an 3 NSMutableArray objects that contain CMTime objects. How can I iterate through all three of them in an efficient manner and find out if there are duplicate values in all three? For example,[详细]
2023-04-11 02:04 分类:问答Can i have a single NSMutableArray in my multiple views application?
I have a navigational based application which has multiple views. Is it possible to use one single NSMutableArray for the whole applicaiton? Can i add 开发者_C百科objects to that NSMutableArray in one[详细]
2023-04-10 22:05 分类:问答Best way to convert NSString output of x86 registers to NSArray
I\'m trying to display the output of the gdb command \"info registers\" in my cocoa app (in a UITableView). In order to do that, I will need to convert the output which is currently a string into an a[详细]
2023-04-10 21:03 分类:问答NSPredicate + itemLocations == location
I\'m having the case where I have the database of items. Each item can have multiple locations. Now 2 questions:[详细]
2023-04-10 18:27 分类:问答NSmutablearray adding unknown amount of images
I have an array i\'m filling with images with a loop items开发者_运维技巧 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];[详细]
2023-04-10 04:11 分类:问答