looking for up to date Maven dependencies/repos [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.[详细]
2023-02-12 10:58 分类:问答what are the disadvantages of not using maven default layout?
can\'t we have our own custom layout with a modified POM开发者_如何学JAVA ..are there any other disadvantages other than complicated POM I guess you mean the project directory layout:[详细]
2023-02-12 10:00 分类:问答Maven - Calling a module from Parent POM based on the profile
I have a module which is supposed to produce two artifacts (war\'s). The only difference between the two WAR\'s is the web.xml being used.[详细]
2023-02-11 05:18 分类:问答GWT, Maven, Spring - Getting com.thoughtworks.qdox.parser.ParseException: syntax error on Maven Build
I am trying to integrate the code from this demo: http://code.google.com/p/gwt-spring-starter-app/ into my main Spring application. I am able to run the gwt-spring-start-app as itself but when I integ[详细]
2023-02-10 16:32 分类:问答Cannot find SerialAddress class in Apache Mina 2.0.2
I added the below dependencies in my project POM file and the SerialAddress class is no where to be found from the downloaded mina-core.2.0.2.jar.[详细]
2023-02-08 17:48 分类:问答ha-jdbc dependency for maven 2
could someone please开发者_JAVA百科 post me the maven 2 dependency for ha-jdbc and if there is any need to add extra repository?The Laughingpanda repository seems to have it: http://www.laughingpanda.[详细]
2023-02-07 22:17 分类:问答maven-install-plugin: installing submodule jar files
I have an aggregation project with a half-dozen submodules.The builds all work but when I try mvn install:install-file I only get the top-level pom.I\'ve also tried mvn install:install I get the error[详细]
2023-02-07 11:00 分类:问答OSGI: generate bundle-classpath in maven-bundle-plugin
I am trying to add all the jars from web-inf/lib into the Bundle-ClassPath. I saw several ways to do it, none of them is working:[详细]
2023-02-07 06:42 分类:问答Is there a way to exclude a Maven dependency globally?
I’m trying to find a “generic” way of excluding a transitive dependency from being included without having to exclude it from all the dependencies that depend on it.For example, if I want to exclud[详细]
2023-02-05 07:25 分类:问答Maven:install jar file during build process
I have got a requirement as follows. I need to run ant build file during maven build process. I need to invoke the build.xml from my pom.xml file. I have done that using maven-antrun-plugin. Now I nee[详细]
2023-02-04 11:56 分类:问答