How to chain animation in android to the same view?
I got some text views and I want to make the buzz effect of MSN. My plan is: take the view, let say 10dip to the left,[详细]
2023-03-11 11:09 分类:问答Global PHP functions chaining through a Class
Is it possible to chain all PHP f开发者_如何学运维unctions through an object/class? I have this on my mind and I imagine it something like this:[详细]
2023-03-04 09:05 分类:问答C# - polymorphism question
I have some classes that i\'d like chain m开发者_StackOverflow社区ethods of to provide a fluent style of config.[详细]
2023-03-03 15:04 分类:问答Property chaining and isset in configuration object [duplicate]
This question already has answers here: 开发者_StackOverflow社区 Search nested object for property[详细]
2023-03-03 01:18 分类:问答How does jQuery act on multiple selectors?
I\'ve been wondering for a little while how jQuery acts on multiple selectors. For instance: $(\"p\").css({\"border\":\"1px solid #000\"});[详细]
2023-03-02 10:21 分类:问答Indenting/breaking jquery chains for readability [closed]
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references,or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, a[详细]
2023-02-24 12:54 分类:问答help with chained selects and existing form values, ex: adding <option selected="selected"></option>
I have a 3 step chained-select sequence, game -> battle -> winning side , which pulls all data from a MySQL database.[详细]
2023-02-23 13:53 分类:问答jQuery chaining: Can everything be chained? When can we not chain?
I know that not all jQuery functions can be chained together. Is there a rule of thumb on this. When can we not chain 2 fu开发者_StackOverflow社区nctions together. You can chain when the function retu[详细]
2023-02-20 22:50 分类:问答How can I chain together SELECT EXISTS() queries?
I have this simple query SELECT EXISTS(SELECT a FROM A WHERE a = \'lorem ipsum\'); That will return a 0 or 1 if there exists a row in A that contains \'lorem ipsum\'[详细]
2023-02-20 13:22 分类:问答jQuery queuing animation problem with different element
Hi everybody i have a problem with chaining animations my situation is: HTML ... <div id=\"content\" class=\"home-layout clearfix\">[详细]
2023-02-19 13:34 分类:问答