How to execute a shell script in cgi-bin?
OK first of all, I am a PHP programmer but I have never done anything with CGI and don\'t know what it is. I know it stands for Common Gateway Interface, but I do not know what it does or what its for[详细]
2023-01-15 05:31 分类:问答ProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute = true and waiting for process exit
I want to use shell executable in order to respect user preferences of application to be started, but I also need to know when that particular application is closed.[详细]
2023-01-13 16:45 分类:问答Run command line program silently with c# on wince
I once again need some help. I\'m using the .net Compact Framework and the programming language C# to develop for mobile devices that are running WinCE 5.0.[详细]
2023-01-13 02:29 分类:问答shell_exec() timeout management & exec()
I\'m running a third party script by using a wrapper class I\'ve written which calls shell_exec() and pipes into a file I parse later using php code. I should mention that this is working, but I am tr[详细]
2023-01-10 10:25 分类:问答command is not running from php script using shell_exec() or system() or exec() functions
I am working on Windows server and able to run command fr开发者_如何转开发om command prompt c:> %convertxls% {some args....}[详细]
2023-01-07 16:32 分类:问答Error Expanding Script Generated Classpath for Java in PowerShell Script
Synopsis: I am trying to convert a shell script from UNIX to Powershell. The script cannot \"hardcode\" the path, but must instead list a directory to dynamically build the path at runtime.[详细]
2023-01-07 12:20 分类:问答Process.Start with 'UseShellExecute = true' doesn't return for corrupt word documents
I am trying to print pdf, ppt, and word documents from my windows service using ShellExecute. Process printingProcess = new Process[详细]
2023-01-06 17:02 分类:问答Is there anyway to specify a PrintTo printer when spawning a process?
What I Have I am currently writing a program which takes a specified file and the performs some action with it. Currently it opens it, and/or attaches it to an email and mails it to specified address[详细]
2023-01-05 21:19 分类:问答Reading the output file of ShellExecute() in Delphi 2010?
I use the ShellExecute command to run an exe file which gets an input text file and returns an output text file. I\'ve written it like this:[详细]
2023-01-05 14:52 分类:问答WOW64 woes (.lnk shortcuts)
I\'m using Windows 7 (x64) and Delphi 2010. I\'m writing a component that will emulate the start menu. However, I\'ve run into the following problems:[详细]
2023-01-05 00:47 分类:问答