How to set QWidget width?
How to set QWidget width? I know setGeometry(QRect& rect) function to do that, but in that case I should use geometry() function to get former parameters of my QWidget, then I should increment the[详细]
2023-01-02 08:22 分类:问答QT4 Designer - Implement Widget
I\'m currently trying to get into QT4 and figure out a workflow for myself. While trying to create a widget which allows the user to connect to a hostname:port some questions appeared. The widget its[详细]
2023-01-02 03:50 分类:问答Make qwidget in new window in PyQt4
I\'m trying to make a class that extends qwidget, that pops up a new window, I must be missing somethingfun开发者_Python百科damental,[详细]
2022-12-29 01:16 分类:问答Help Qt Widgets for creating Accessories Bar on my device
For a handheld device I want to put a vertical Bar which will contain widgets that show the battery status of device, network connectivity status, Date and Time etc. For this Bar I have chosen a Group[详细]
2022-12-27 00:11 分类:问答Qt Stylesheets with derived classes
Can I use Qt stylesheets with a derived开发者_运维技巧 widget?I\'d like to be able to define some custom properties on the widget (like various colors) and be able to define their value in a styleshee[详细]
2022-12-25 18:05 分类:问答pyQt4: QWidget subclass not responding to new setStyleSheet() background colour
I am having an issue with PyQt4. I want to create a new widget within a window, and I want this widget to have a custom color.[详细]
2022-12-25 17:05 分类:问答QTableWidget alignement with the borders of its parent QWidget
Let\'s consider we have QWidget that contains QTableWidget (only). So we want to resize the table by resizing the widget, and we dont want to have an indet between the QWidge开发者_Go百科t border and[详细]
2022-12-24 13:51 分类:问答Change table columns width on resizing window or splitter
Consider there is a QTablWidget and a QTextEdit. Both of them are in a horisontal QSplitte. Let the QTable widget has 2 columns.[详细]
2022-12-24 03:17 分类:问答国内的试管婴儿技术可以放多个胚胎做三胞胎吗??
2022-12-19 15:34 分类:问答