Threading in BHO/ATL/COM. Winapi or something else?
I writing IE add-on and I\'m using ATL for开发者_JAVA技巧 it. I need to create background worker thread so UI thread will be unblocked as soon as possible.[详细]
2023-01-27 06:29 分类:问答Port a firefox extension to a BHO (Browser Helper Objects, aka IE extensions)
I have a Firefox extensi开发者_开发技巧on that I would like to port to IE, I don\'t want to code it again.[详细]
2023-01-27 06:05 分类:问答How to capture change in URL from BHO?
How can I capture a change in the URL on IE from a Browser Helper Object? An obvious way would be to use 开发者_StackOverflowany of the common browser events such as onbeforenavigate, but how to capt[详细]
2023-01-26 08:38 分类:问答Using breakpoints in visual studio 2010 for BHO in IE
I\'m developing a BHO in Visual Studio 2010. So far I\'ve managed to register the BHO and get visual studio launch IE when I hit debug. The BHO works as expected but unfortunately break points that I[详细]
2023-01-25 06:51 分类:问答Getting IWebBrowser2 pointer from event DISPID_TITLECHANGE
Im working on a Browser Helper Obje开发者_StackOverflow中文版ct, and I am trying to access the IWebBrowser2 that fires an event. With NavigateComplete2 and other events I can easly do it because I get[详细]
2023-01-24 08:21 分类:问答Windows 7, IE8: Creating CAxWindow finished with Access Denied error
I have Windows 7, and Internet Explorer 8, Visual Studio 2008. I need to create Active X window which will show page from other site. I try to create CAxWindow window while IE in Protected Mode. Itre[详细]
2023-01-24 04:34 分类:问答How to lower integrity of WCF named pipe
I have an Internet Explorer add-in, written in C#, which talks via a WCF named-pipe to a .NET desktop application.The desktop app creates the ServiceHost for the netNamedPipeBinding, and each instance[详细]
2023-01-22 14:53 分类:问答Storing settings for Browser Helper Object
I have a browser helper object on IE that have some \"clipboard history\" functions. I have been storing set开发者_运维知识库tings into a file into the directory where the BHO file is (currently \"$PR[详细]
2023-01-18 01:35 分类:问答How can i set the name of IE Extension (BHO In IE)
How Can i Set the Name of the BH开发者_StackOverflow社区O appear in IE Extension (e.g Manage Addons).. The Name that Appear in the Internet Explorer Addons list is the Namespace of my program when i a[详细]
2023-01-17 05:18 分类:问答C# IPC Between BHO and Service
I can\'t seem to find a way to communicate between my IE C# BHO and a C# console app running as SYSTEM.[详细]
2023-01-14 05:56 分类:问答