What happens to my ajax request after window unload
what happens to my syn/asyn XMLHttpRequest (IE) when the page unload but the request is still on his way?[详细]
2022-12-18 13:43 分类:问答Replacing aborts() for unresolved errors in iPhone/CoreData
I have quite a few places in my iPhone application with a line like this: if (![context save:&error]) {[详细]
2022-12-17 23:55 分类:问答.NET Thread.Abort again
Again I want to talk about safety of the Thread.Abort function. I was interested to have some way to abort operations which I can\'t control really and don\'t want actually, but I want to have my thre[详细]
2022-12-16 13:35 分类:问答Ruby Command Line: How can I send the CTRL-C command via text in the command line?
I am tryi开发者_开发知识库ng to create a simple Automator droplet that will take the style.less file dropped into it and run the following LESS command on it:[详细]
2022-12-09 02:43 分类:问答jquery and xhr.abort
When aborting an ajax request with the xhr that\'s passed back from the jQuery.ajax function, firebug shows that it\'s still trying to load that request. It doesn\'t block any more req开发者_如何学Pyt[详细]
2022-12-08 16:50 分类:问答