

  • Strange jboss console error

    I\'m creating additional module to already multi-module maven project. And for this one I want everything to be like in other modules(meaning dependencies) just to test hello world, then I\'ll go do s[详细]

    2022-12-24 19:07 分类:问答
  • 32 bit unsigned int php

    Does anyone know of a class/library/e开发者_如何学运维tc. that can simulate 32 bit unsigned integers on a 32 bit platform in PHP?[详细]

    2022-12-24 12:49 分类:问答
  • How to abort INSERT operation in MySql trigger?

    I have a table containing an url and a string representing its parameters. The problem is I want an url and a parameterstring to be the unique constraint for the table - aka no开发者_开发知识库 entrie[详细]

    2022-12-24 07:02 分类:问答
  • SQL Update to the SUM of its joined values

    I\'m trying to update a field in the database to the sum of its joined values: UPDATE P SET extrasPrice = SUM(E.price)[详细]

    2022-12-24 02:24 分类:问答
  • How do I name an array key with a key inside the array

    I have some data, yes, data. This data came from a MySQL query and it will always contain 4 items, always. I want to cache that data in an array table for use later within a web page but I want to kee[详细]

    2022-12-24 01:02 分类:问答
  • 汪小菲送旧爱代言鸽子蛋给大S当礼物?

    大S与汪小菲上月22日迎来10周年锡婚纪念日,汪小菲献上刻有W&S forever的中国品牌I Do10克拉鸽子蛋钻戒向大S深情告白:老婆,小女孩儿,十周年快乐,再过十年希望妳还是愿意。大S感动拥抱他,夫妻恩爱放闪,但昨天汪[详细]

    2022-12-23 21:56 分类:问答
  • 怪盗喵好吗?

    飞鱼传说 2022-05-03 12:16 开发者_如何学C好2695467698aaa9 2022-05-03 12:2开发者_Go百科6 平民神宠ty_129655286[详细]

    2022-12-22 17:49 分类:问答
  • JSON viewer for browsing APIs [closed]

    As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references,or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, a[详细]

    2022-12-21 14:52 分类:问答
  • 信阳师范学院现在都是4人一间公寓吗?

    六翼天使494 2022-05-10 开发者_JAVA百科17:12 学校住宿有3种:一种是新公寓:住宿费900(一学期),四人间。不过没有卫生间。一种是比这早一点的:住宿费750,六人间,有卫生间,地方要比新公寓大好多,叫联建[详细]

    2022-12-21 13:15 分类:问答
  • miRNAs用于肿瘤转移治疗的未来如何??

    yu5107807 2022-05-10 15:26 开发者_开发问答 miRNAs可以作为潜在的癌基因或者抑制基因在EMT过程中起作用,可作为肿瘤恶化或者逆转的生物标志物。今后的研究无疑是要将注意力集中在不同肿瘤EMT中发生特异性改变的[详细]

    2022-12-21 13:13 分类:问答