WCF services or RIA services
We are in the middle of the development cycle of our new product. When we designed it about a year ago, we chose WCF Services->Silverlight combination. Some of those WCF services are also consumed by[详细]
2022-12-26 19:25 分类:问答求一个高档好听的早教名字。?
360U3191436280 2022-04-16 01:12 开发者_开发百科 你是问的是早教机构后名字还是想自己办早教取个名字呢?如果是早教机构名字。我可以给你列举(重庆):1、少年宫 官方机构,收费便宜,老师稳定。2、金宝贝,[详细]
2022-12-25 13:32 分类:问答早教一个月多少钱啊??
一片寂静 开发者_开发知识库 2022-04-22 02:20 这个要根据你上的课程了 ,我给我娃报的早教班,在铃兰国际早教报的,一节课算下来也就不到一百块钱,但是我还了解过其他的早教中心,有的一节课200多了。所以这个[详细]
2022-12-24 14:06 分类:问答张哲瀚新戏《谁都渴望遇见你》杀青 出演暖心男主?
2022-12-23 21:51 分类:问答“悲风杀气满山河”下一句是什么?
diszj78001 2022-04-27 10:00 开发者_如何学C“悲风杀气满山河”下一句是:“唯有流沟山下寺”,这是出自于 唐朝 白居易 所著的《乱后过流沟寺》。附《乱后过流沟寺》全文赏析乱后过流沟寺作者:白居易朝代:唐[详细]
2022-12-23 17:30 分类:问答High performance web (-services) applications
I\'d like to become a guru in high performance (100k and more views/requests) web & web-services applications.[详细]
2022-12-23 14:57 分类:问答陌陌与58同城达成合作,提供“同城服务”入口?
昨日,58个城市与陌陌牵手,双方致力于共同打造移动互联网本地生活O2O服务平台。58 City独家为Momo用户提供涵盖招聘、房产、二手车、家政等全方位的本地生活服务信息。并在Momo的APP应用页面上,为58 City开辟了“城[详细]
2022-12-23 14:57 分类:问答SQL Server Reporting Services 2008: How to set the credentials property properly?
No matter how I configure the Credentials property I get a 401 exception when I try to Render the report.Here is my (latest) code:[详细]
2022-12-22 23:43 分类:问答Debugging a basic OpenGL texture fail? (iphone)
I have a very basic texture map problem in GL on iPhone, and I\'m wondering what strategies there are for debugging this kind of thing.[详细]
2022-12-22 10:47 分类:问答