How can I make sure a threadpool is finished?
The setup: I am in the process of changing the way a program works under the hood. In the current version works like this:[详细]
2023-04-04 02:48 分类:问答ASP.NET, IIS /CLR Thread & request in relation to synchronous v.s asynchronous programming
I\'m just trying to clear up some concepts here. If anyone is willing to share their expertise on this matter, it\'s greatly appreciated it.[详细]
2023-04-04 00:40 分类:问答Simultaneous downloads limit
I\'m making asynchronous requests with WebRequest.BeginGetResponse to download files from a server. All works nice but I want to download no more of 5 files at the same time. In Java I would use a fix[详细]
2023-04-03 15:10 分类:问答What is the MaxSimultaneousWorkflows replacement?
MAIN QUESTION: I am using Workflow Foundation 4.0 in which the WorkflowRuntime has been replaced by the WorkflowApplication as a workflow host for a single instance.[详细]
2023-04-03 11:55 分类:问答Open up a Tab Item on a new thread?
I want to add new TabTtems to my TabControl, but each TabItem must run on it\'s own thread. What would be the best way to achieve this?[详细]
2023-04-03 06:49 分类:问答Executors.newFixedThreadPool not terminating
I\'m using a ConcurrentLinkedQueue to store computational steps, and an ExecutorService created by Executors.newFixedThreadPool to execute them out. My problem is that the application never terminates[详细]
2023-04-03 04:19 分类:问答Java using ExecutorService,CompletionService,BlockingQueue,and Observer correctly?
So, I\'m pretty new to multi-threading and have been using this idea in all my programs lately. Before I start using it more I really want to make sure it is a correct efficient way to implement multi[详细]
2023-04-02 16:39 分类:问答Stopping a threadpool on satisfied condition
I\'m using the ExecutorService to process thousands of small independent tasks. Each task, on completion, stores the result (which is either true of false).[详细]
2023-04-02 02:59 分类:问答I do not understand this ThreadPoolExecutor behavior
I have a ThreadPoolExecutor that is constructed with an unbounded queue (LinkedBlockingQueue) and a core and max pool size set to the number of cpus (say 4).[详细]
2023-04-01 21:57 分类:问答Propagating ThreadLocal to a new Thread fetched from a ExecutorService
I\'m running a process in a separate thread with a timeout, using an ExecutorService and a Future (example code here) (the thread \"spawning\" takes place in a AOP Aspect).[详细]
2023-04-01 18:43 分类:问答