Strange behaviour of netcat with UDP
I noticed a strange behaviour working with netcat and UDP. I start an instance (instance 1) of netcat that listens on a UDP port:[详细]
2023-04-11 20:43 分类:问答possible C code implementation ideas for a given shell script(related to ffmpeg)
The shell script i\'m trying to implement goes like this, #!/bin/bash while [ 1 ] do nc -l 1234 | ffmpeg -i pipe:0 -vcodec mpeg4 -s qcif -f m4v -y pipe:1 | nc localhost 1235[详细]
2023-03-29 19:07 分类:问答How to read Stata binary format from a compressed file
The Stata knowledge base includes a note on reading ASCII data from a pipe, which would allow one to read a file without storing the decompressed version on disk. We[详细]
2023-03-28 22:24 分类:问答Result of netcat command illogically matching a string
I\'m wanting to test wich distant port is open to know if I have to connect with telnet VNC Teamviewer or whatever.[详细]
2023-03-24 07:12 分类:问答Emulating netcat -e
How can I emulate netcat -e with a version of netcat that does not have the -e option ? I need to trigger a command remotely. I can do it with netcat - without -e:[详细]
2023-03-10 21:31 分类:问答How to purge connections left open by SSH ProxyCommand?
I have a webserver WWW1 and a front-facing proxy PRX. I use SSH ProxyCommand to connect to WWW1\'s internal IP (private IP) via PRX (private+public IP). For some connections (not all) I see a network[详细]
2023-03-01 01:48 分类:问答combine netcat with chat on bash for automatic udp responses
I want to combine \"chat\" and \"nc\" on linux, so I will create a tiny udp server that responds on a specific request and sends back an answer.[详细]
2023-02-16 16:20 分类:问答What's the anatomy of a DNS session?
I\'m working on a homework assignment that basically asks us to parse a DNS response to get the IP address and such. The problem is the professor has told us in great detail what the response looks li[详细]
2023-02-15 10:27 分类:问答twisted server, nc client
Ill demonstrate the problem I am facing with a small example. class TestProtocol(basic.LineReceiver): def lineReceived(self, line):[详细]
2023-02-13 08:16 分类:问答std::string messed up when using it as storage within (boost.)async_read_some
I am using async_read_some to read data from a port that is saved in a char[] called _data. Its buffer size is big enough for every request:[详细]
2023-02-12 20:07 分类:问答