2023-01-07 17:24 分类:问答timing of reads from serial port on windows
I\'m trying to implement a protocol over serial port on a windows(xp) machine. The problem is that message synchronization in the protocol is done via a gap in the messages, i.e., x millisecond gap be[详细]
2022-12-26 19:03 分类:问答Database Design - NULL Foreign Keys
and thanks for reading. I\'m making a DB for a puppy shop. I have a table for puppies and a table for owners.A puppy can have one owner, owners can own more than one puppy, but not all puppies are ow[详细]
2022-12-18 12:58 分类:问答淘宝&抖音双11,top10品牌谁在消失,谁还在榜?数据变化释放了哪些信号?[淘宝]?
声明:本文来自于微信公众号 楠开口(ID:nnvoice),作者:Sally楠,授权转载发布。[详细]
2022-12-08 13:47 分类:问答