Do any c compilers implement any of the C1X features?
Do any c compilers implement any of the C1X features? P.S.:Is there a way 开发者_StackOverflow社区to emulate some of these features in current c compilersGCC 4.6 has some experimental support for C1X[详细]
2023-04-01 15:01 分类:问答Can I convert a structure pointer to point to an initial anonymous member in C1x? Is this even the right question?
I\'m a bit confused about anonymous structures in C1x. Does the rule that a struct pointer, suitably converted, points to it\'s first member apply to an initial anonymous struct, or simply to 开发者_运[详细]
2023-03-24 16:42 分类:问答How to get involved in C standardization process?
Lately I\'ve been getting interest in C standardization. I want to participate in development of C1X. I want to put forward my ide开发者_运维技巧as (irrespective of they being accepted/rejected).[详细]
2023-01-08 02:40 分类:问答What are the most useful proposed features of C1X?
What are the most useful proposed fea开发者_开发问答tures of C1X so far? And what support for them is there in current compilers?Personally, I have a lot of use for the _Align( ) specifier and alignof[详细]
2023-01-01 13:32 分类:问答天津三日游旅游攻略?
哈欠小魔女1987 2022-03-26 07:32 天津市是我国的一个直辖市,每年有很多人来这里旅游,那么天津三日游旅游攻略是什么呢,我来阐述一下我的意见。操作方法01第一天,你可以在五大道的附近找一个酒店住下,充分的[详细]
2022-12-27 15:14 分类:问答狗开头的成语有哪些啊??
lanniaoaaa 开发者_开发知识库 2022-04-04 19:25 狗开头的四字成语 相关的成语:狗走狐淫 狗仗人势 狗吠不惊 狗尾续貂 狗眼看人 狗血淋头 狗马声色 狗急跳墙 狗皮膏药狗捉老鼠 狗党狐朋 狗颠屁股 狗拿耗子 狗彘[详细]
2022-12-26 16:44 分类:问答How to send a Timestamp field to Oracle stored proc. from Java despite the DB config?
I\'m making a request from a java webapp to an Oracle\' stored procedure which happens to have a Timestamp IN parameter.[详细]
2022-12-23 20:46 分类:问答《城东闲游》第二句是什么?
爱你是我的必修课 2022-05-04 08:36 《城东闲游》第二句是:“任他朝市自营营”,这是出自于 唐朝 白居易 所著的《城东闲游》。附《城东闲游》全文赏析城东闲游作者:白居易朝代:唐朝宠辱忧开发者_如何学JAVA欢[详细]
2022-12-22 15:22 分类:问答去哪里治女性不孕不育?
张玮 202开发者_高级运维2-05-05 18:34 目前医治不孕不育的专科医院门诊有许多。但是医治是要有一个过程的,不过倘若你不愿意等那么久,迫不及待假如想要有一个自己的宝宝,能够去医院做一个试管小于1周岁的孩子[详细]
2022-12-22 08:39 分类:问答大闸蟹一只多少钱啊?大闸蟹一般多少钱一只?
u_113401153 2022-06-05 16:21 对于阳澄湖大闸蟹的规格,苏州阳澄湖大闸蟹行业协会是有明确的规定的,不同等级的阳澄湖大闸蟹,其价格是截然不同的。阳澄湖大闸蟹有公蟹和母蟹之分,母蟹规格2.0两至4.8两不等,[详细]
2022-12-18 02:07 分类:问答