

  • Remote EJB interface not working over internet

    I have an EJB container that is deployed on JBoss 5.1 on to a Amazon AWS Fedora 8 virtual machine. I have another application which I want to access this EJB container remotely over the internet. But[详细]

    2023-02-05 03:41 分类:问答
  • .NET WCF access to local objects

    I preface this post with a warning. While I am a fairly competent programmer (if that can be the case when one is fresh out of 4 years of college), I am very new to Windows programming. I am programmi[详细]

    2023-02-04 23:23 分类:问答
  • iPhone to Java EE remoting

    I was looking for some opinions on the best remote method invocation practices when developing iPhone applications that communicate with Java (java EE) s开发者_开发知识库ervers.[详细]

    2023-02-04 11:23 分类:问答
  • AS3 / Flex 3 Staggered Remoting + Queue

    I开发者_开发问答 am trying to make a class that staggers the net connections calls by a certain amount to not put too much pressure on my server, and so I don\'t have a dozen net connectors running ar[详细]

    2023-02-04 04:23 分类:问答
  • Global Assembly and Remoting

    I have some confusion regarding assembly and remoting so i want to clarify two points with you. 1) Remoting is used for communication between two applications in same or different computer, so my que[详细]

    2023-02-02 06:10 分类:问答
  • Castle remoting facility not working

    Does remoting facility still work in castle? i downloaded sample from http://www.castleproject.org/container/facilities/trunk/remoting/usingit.html[详细]

    2023-02-01 18:14 分类:问答
  • Castle remoting sample - client throwing exception

    I am using the sample from castle @ http://old.castleproject.org/container/facilities/trunk/remoting/containersconnected.html for \"Scenario: Using the container on both endpoints and use the containe[详细]

    2023-02-01 11:44 分类:问答
  • AS3 Responder and FMS

    I\'m trying to communicate with Flash Media Server through the Responder class because I don\'t want to put public methods in my class that receives the callbacks from the server.[详细]

    2023-02-01 07:29 分类:问答
  • How to debug a __transparentProxy instance in VisualStudio 2008?

    I\'m currently working on a debugging topic to improve the debugging to __TransparentProxy instance resolved from Unity\'s TransparentProxyInterceptor.[详细]

    2023-02-01 02:57 分类:问答
  • Test if remoting proxy is valid?

    I\'m using remoting between a client and server, and while it works, I\'m seeing some behavior I don\'t understand.[详细]

    2023-01-31 16:57 分类:问答