Display multidimensional array elements in smarty [duplicate]
This question already has answers here: Closed 11 years ago. Possible Duplicate: Display array elements in smarty[详细]
2023-04-09 07:28 分类:问答Smarty 3 and spl_autoload_register
I know I need to use spl_autoload_register with Smarty 3. I am registering my autoload function after smarty initializes. But smarty is trying to use my own autoload function instead of the smartyAuto[详细]
2023-04-09 06:21 分类:问答How to merge server-side templating and AJAX to maximize reusability
Consider the following general issue before I go to the specific problem: You use server-side templating (e.g. Smarty) to generate a page in a particular way depending on a particular state.However, y[详细]
2023-04-09 01:40 分类:问答Dynamic page layouts with Smarty Templates
I am a php student and i am also new to smarty.I know smarty syntax for some extent and I can use it for very basic needs.I am currently[详细]
2023-04-07 10:42 分类:问答Adding comments mod into Smarty Template PHP site
My site is built around X-Cart 4.2.3, which is built around Smarty Templates. I am trying to figure out a way to add Facebook Comments to my dynamic product pages ([详细]
2023-04-07 00:15 分类:问答smarty - how to use variables in code?
This is part of my smarty code: {if $cat==\"3_0\" or $cat==\"3_15\" or $cat==\"3_16\" or $cat==\"3_17\"}[详细]
2023-04-06 13:39 分类:问答Smarty accessing array
{foreach from=$ncache.recmd name=spon key=k item=v} {if ($smarty.foreach.spon.iteration%2) eq 0 || $smarty.foreach.spon.last}[详细]
2023-04-06 10:19 分类:问答How to use php code in tpl file in collabtive in smarty?
I need to use php code in tpl file in smarty. I used {php} echo \"hello\"; {/php} But I need to use a smarty variable in php code.[详细]
2023-04-06 08:56 分类:问答Smarty: unset an array index in template
I would like to do {unset($array[\'index\'])} into a Smarty 3 template. Is such a syntax (or similar) supported ? After Googling and doc reading I can\'t find something satisfying.[详细]
2023-04-06 07:35 分类:问答Multi dimensional array iteration Smarty
I have two arrays. In first array I have Type and Zone field names. These two field names have multiple values. I am using smarty. I want the select name from the first array and options for each drop[详细]
2023-04-06 06:52 分类:问答