How SingleInstanceService of Jnlp Api works?
As it is mentioned that SingleInstanceService allow applications launched under Java Web Start to register themselves as singletons, and to be passed in new parameter sets when user attempts to launch[详细]
2023-02-04 00:30 分类:问答Java web start app crashes with OutOfMemoryError
I have extended a genomics viewer with some features requested by the Johns Hopkins Lab. When I run the 开发者_如何学运维app from the command-line I seem to have no memory problems - the app has been[详细]
2023-02-03 18:45 分类:问答listing all files in the jar of webstarted application
Given a webstart application composed of multiple jars, how could I list the files contained in these jars? (at runtime)[详细]
2023-02-03 01:44 分类:问答Slow loading problem when using new generation Java Applet with Webstart technology
I am using applets through webstart technology, specified by a jnlp. The problem is when applet is loading, in some point it starts to load really slow.[详细]
2023-02-02 07:34 分类:问答Tracing Javaws launch
I have a Java application which is launched via Java Webstart. Occasionally, following a new deployment of the application, it will happen that launching the application results in it being downloaded[详细]
2023-01-31 06:44 分类:问答Debugging Java Webstart: System Process is opening tons of ports
I\'m trying to debug a Java Webstart application which is causing the System Process with pid 0 to open thousands of tcp ports between 1000 and ~4000. The remote host is always localhost port 80, on w[详细]
2023-01-31 05:01 分类:问答Java Launch fails on second run: java.lang.NullPointerException
I downloaded the .jnlp file and ran it. It runs fine. I close it and start it again, it runs fine. However on the third try, it always throws java.lang.NullPointerException and the application will n[详细]
2023-01-29 04:06 分类:问答Memory allocation for Java Webstart Application
I\'m using a Java webstart application called BLAST2GO I\'m running into problems with memory allocation. It needs to load a large data set into memory, so I\'ve been trying to allocate 3-6GB to this[详细]
2023-01-27 21:59 分类:问答Referencing jars in jnlp file
I have the below JNLP file. I have created the appropriate folders, when the jnlp file downloads, message the system cannot find the specified path is seen at the console.[详细]
2023-01-27 10:27 分类:问答File Can be accessed fwhile running jnlp but cannot be accessed through browser in java web start
I\'m trying to access a resource file which is in a jar file deployed in apache web server. The file can be accessed through the jnlp file in the deployed folder while but it is not available through[详细]
2023-01-27 05:18 分类:问答