Asynchronously dispatched recursive blocks
Suppose I run this code: __block int step = 0; __block dispatch_block_t myBlock; myBlock = ^{ if(step == STEPS_COUNT)[详细]
2023-02-18 20:19 分类:问答NSOperationQueue, memory and GCD; how to implement properly?
I have some simple doubts about NSOperation and GCD that I have not found answer to on the documentation.[详细]
2023-02-18 17:28 分类:问答Unable to use GCD dispatch sources for reading from Serial Port file descriptors
I\'m having trouble using Grand Central Dispatch Source events when reading from serial ports. I use dispatch_source_create with DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ so that the OS will run my block of code whe[详细]
2023-02-16 13:06 分类:问答iPhone - canceling queued operations GCD
I have several tasks that are dispatched to serial queues and specially some that are dispatched to a group. After these tasks are dispatched I would like to give the user the option to cancel them, e[详细]
2023-02-16 02:36 分类:问答thread id of dispatch_get_main_queue()
Is there a开发者_StackOverflow社区 way to find the thread id that is associated with \'dispatch_get_main_queue()\'?Any block evaluated on the main queue will evaluate on the thread it is associated wi[详细]
2023-02-15 17:30 分类:问答Identify a GCD thread
I have wr开发者_JS百科itten a Core Data abstraction class which holds the persistent store, object model and object context. To make the multithreading easier, I have written the accessor for the obje[详细]
2023-02-15 02:11 分类:问答GCD obtaining queue name/label
How can I get the current queue name? I mean queue label like com.example.myqueue. In the Xcode 4 debugger I 开发者_开发百科can see just _block_invoke_1.How about dispatch_queue_get_label?In Objecti[详细]
2023-02-14 20:23 分类:问答NSRunLoop and GCD queues
I am creating a c++ library for use on iOS (yes, unfortunately it has to be C++) which uses AVCaptureSession to capture video frames, which are delivered via the captureOutput callback. The C++ librar[详细]
2023-02-14 10:05 分类:问答dispatch_async vs. dispatch_sync using Serial Queues in Grand Central Dispatch
OK, I love Grand Central Dispatch and after using it with relative success but this is something I don\'t fully understand.[详细]
2023-02-12 02:45 分类:问答NSURLConnection and grand central dispatch
Is it advisable to wrap up NSUrlConnection in a gcd style blocks and run it on a low_priority queue? I need to ensure that my connections are not happening on the main thread and the connections need[详细]
2023-02-11 14:28 分类:问答