How can I dock one window to another in Swing?
I have two JFrames open. I have window B spawn to the right of window A, snugged up to window A\'s right edge. I want it to stick to and mo开发者_如何学Pythonve with window A. How can I make it do thi[详细]
2023-02-25 17:08 分类:问答VSX - Set a ToolWindowPanes initial position to be docked
I\'m creating a Visual Studio package that exposes a tool window and I\'m trying to make sure that it is displayed docked to the left edge of the main Visual Studio window when the package first loads[详细]
2023-02-20 14:16 分类:问答How to make a WPF ListView no taller than its contents but fit to the window with other controls?
I\'m trying to arrange a WPF UI as follows: At top of the window are some controls of self-determining height (effectively docked to the top of the window, but as tall as they want to be).[详细]
2023-02-17 14:25 分类:问答Silverlight: Hiding RadPaneGroup problem
Hi i am facing a very strange problem. My requirement is to have a tree on the left hand side of a page a view on the right hand side of the page. Clicking various nodes of the tree shows different[详细]
2023-02-14 14:27 分类:问答Tabbed document interface in Delphi
I\'m considering different user interface layouts for my next project and I was wondering if there are either integrated or 3rd party frameworks which allow me to create tabbed document interface?[详细]
2023-02-05 09:17 分类:问答Make tabs movable in Qt
I want to make an application in Qt where the tabs in the QTabBar can be \"undocked\" so they will become a floating window, or can be dragged into another QTabBar and \"transfer\" into that QTabBar.[详细]
2023-02-01 16:43 分类:问答Telerik RadPaneGroup problem
I use Telerik Rad Controls for WPF 2009.3.1314. Here is my layout: <raddock:RadDocking x:Name=\"radDocking\">[详细]
2023-02-01 01:37 分类:问答WPF Docking like chrome?
I\'m trying to find a docking library for WPF that works more li开发者_运维问答ke google chrome. Where a user with two chrome windows open can take a tab from one and drop it in another.[详细]
2023-01-27 00:15 分类:问答IDEA dock window layout
Is it possible to change the way that docked tool windows in IDEA are laid out? Currently, the bottom most window takes all the horizontal space, and the left and right windows do not take all the ve[详细]
2023-01-26 21:08 分类:问答SplitContainer - What causes the inconsistent behaviour I experience when the orientation is set to horizontal?
Starting from scratch in a new project in which the properties of the default Form1 form have not been altered I drop a SplitContainer on the form and set its properties to:[详细]
2023-01-21 13:29 分类:问答