cyclic managebean detection error in JSF
I have to pages A and B, I want to navigate from A to B and back from B to A in JSF. I set managed property B in managed bean of A and visa versa but problem is i got an error like[详细]
2023-01-26 09:54 分类:问答ICEfaces: How to pass parameters from one page to another
I have this simple scenario which doesn\'t work: I use icefaces and i have a simple page with some inputTexts and a submit button, this button will redirect to another page that will display the value[详细]
2023-01-26 07:28 分类:问答ICEfaces and NetBeans error
I create a new web project from netbeans and I chose ICEFACES for frameworks Below I chose create welcomeICEFACES.jspx and welcomICEFACES.html, So when I run it Ok.[详细]
2023-01-25 22:39 分类:问答IceFaces: panelPopup autoCentre problem with IE
I\'m having some problems with panelPopup and IE8. When I set autoCentre=\"true\" and positionOnLoadOnly=\"true\", I expect the popup to appear in the center of the view port and stay put there. This[详细]
2023-01-25 02:12 分类:问答Printing in icefaces
I would like to print开发者_如何转开发 reports in icefaces, but could got find any proper method for it. Please guide me for implementation of the same in my project.I\'ve used the ice:outputResource[详细]
2023-01-25 01:49 分类:问答JSF: logic based on iteration index
Pardon me for the title, that\'s the best my limited brain can came up this late. So, i have a list of string, something like [abc, def, ghi].[详细]
2023-01-21 02:15 分类:问答commandLink does not work on the first click
I\'ve found some questions that seem related to this one, but none describes exaclty what is happening to my web app.[详细]
2023-01-19 17:16 分类:问答Request scope backing bean... not in request
I have a backing bean (say MyPageBean) with request scope, but it seems to be in session because, navigating my applic开发者_StackOverflowation, when I visit the page myPage, I always get the same ins[详细]
2023-01-18 09:51 分类:问答Can I trigger an IceFaces action using JavaScript?
If I have a simple button: <ice:panelGroup> <ice:commandButton value=\"foobar\" action=\"#{fileManager.openNoFlashVisiblePopup}\" />[详细]
2023-01-17 16:32 分类:问答How to Hide/view the portlets in liferay Portal?
I m developing portlets on liferay portal using icefaces, i want to hide/view the portlet programmaticaly from an action written in my managed bean.[详细]
2023-01-17 13:59 分类:问答