gmp pow with two mpf_t
Is there an implementation in gmp that allows a power function withonly mpf_t\'s as argument? I want to do this:[详细]
2023-02-20 02:47 分类:问答solaris - compile 64bit gcc - elf class error
I\'m installing a modern version of gcc on solaris. I compiled gmp, mpfr and mpc, they\'re all 64bit. When I try to configure gcc as follows I get an error complaining that mpc,mpfr and gmp are the wr[详细]
2023-02-18 05:48 分类:问答Compiling GDC on Windows -- where to get GMP and MPFR dependencies?
I\'m trying to compile GDC (v2) on Windows 7, using MinGW\'s MSYS. When I get to this step: $ ../configure --enable-languages=d --disable-shared --disable-bootstrap[详细]
2023-02-14 15:50 分类:问答Compiling GMP for cross compiler problem
I\'m compiling gnu gmp for my mac/linux cross compiler but i\'m getting this error: In file included from ../gmp-impl.h:102,[详细]
2023-02-13 17:29 分类:问答Some questions about a single-instance array in typedef
I was perusing some code using arbitrary-length integers using the GNU Multi-Precision (GMP) library code.The type for a MP integer is mpz_t as defined in gmp.h header file.[详细]
2023-02-07 03:46 分类:问答Build GMP on 64bit Windows
I have followed the instruction on the \"GMP Install Instruction for Window开发者_如何学运维s Platform\". I could build a 32bit version of GMP which can be used for Visual Studio.[详细]
2023-02-04 20:35 分类:问答a problem using gmp library in QT under win xP SP2
I have a problem using the GMP library in a Qt project under Windows XP SP2. When I run my Qt application, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn\'t. When the application crashes, it display a war[详细]
2023-02-04 00:29 分类:问答BigInt conversion (gmp Bigint to botan bigint)
I am using gmp to perform complex operation. I want to use Botan to perform cryptography functions. Problem is Bot开发者_开发技巧h of them have their own Bigint function. So its creating problem on su[详细]
2023-02-03 19:06 分类:问答Why does gmp_mod produce differerent results on different platforms?
Please consider this snippet (related to How is 13 % 64= -13) if(extension_loaded(\'GMP\')) { printf(\"[详细]
2023-01-30 03:19 分类:问答What could this be? [program bug]
I am开发者_如何学JAVA having some trouble figuring this out .. so time to ask for help. OS: OSX, Snow Leopard[详细]
2023-01-29 23:14 分类:问答