Properly delimiting strings in C
I\'m wondering, what would be a good/efficient way to delimit a string that can contain basically any character. so for instance, I need to concatenate n strings that can look like:[详细]
2023-01-23 04:56 分类:问答Parse column value based on delimeters
Here is a sample of my data: ABC*12345ABC BCD*234() CDE*3456789(&(& DEF*4567A*B*C Using SQL Server 2008 or SSIS, I need to parse this data and return the following result:[详细]
2023-01-21 01:38 分类:问答MySQL: Split comma separated list into multiple rows
I have an unnormalized table with a column containing a comma separated list that is a foreign key to another table:[详细]
2023-01-20 04:40 分类:问答Best/common practice to delimit values in C when printing them
I tried the search func开发者_运维问答tion but only found questions regarding reading in comma/space delimited files.[详细]
2023-01-20 04:37 分类:问答easy way to determine if a string CAN'T be a valid regex
I have a config file that the user can specify sections, and then within those section they can specify regular expressions. I have to parse this config file and separate the regex\'s into the various[详细]
2023-01-17 04:29 分类:问答C# List<string> to string with delimiter
Is there a function in C# to quickly convert some col开发者_运维百科lection to string and separate values with delimiter?[详细]
2023-01-13 09:17 分类:问答How do I implement my own escape sequence when using split() in perl?
I\'m trying to write a parser for the EDI data format, which is just delimited text but where the delimiters are defined at the top of the file.[详细]
2023-01-13 04:54 分类:问答Change the delimiter in a csv export
Okay I have my csv builder essentially working. it has 3 c开发者_Go百科olumns. Name, Position, Date. Unfortunately right now the export has 4 columns. Last name, First name, position, date. This is be[详细]
2023-01-12 22:59 分类:问答Best way to build a delimited string from a list in java
I have a list of objects, and each object has a string property. For example, I have a List<Person> and each Person has a firstName property. I want to build a comma-delimited, quoted string tha[详细]
2023-01-10 08:35 分类:问答Remove delimiter using C#
I Have a string as开发者_开发百科 follows: {a{b,c}d} if i give 1, the string must be displayed as:[详细]
2023-01-09 18:40 分类:问答