how really Cross Document Messaging in HTML5 overcome same-origin policy that apply to XMLHttpRequest?
I am new, I am developing an application that uses distributed resource. I have one server called \"presentation server\" which serves everything related to template and ajax application (css, image[详细]
2023-03-15 06:25 分类:问答Partitioning a weighted directed graph (over key/value database)
开发者_开发问答We would like to shard a weighted directed graph, The user can add nodes and edges dynamically, at first the DB/Graph is empty.[详细]
2023-03-14 03:49 分类:问答Can a logical clock protocol provide a full ordering of events?
Is there a logi开发者_开发知识库cal clock protocol (like Lamport\'s Timestamps or a Vector Clock) that provides a full ordering of events in a distributed system without just breaking ties arbitrarily[详细]
2023-03-12 09:19 分类:问答Demonstrating a Distributed Computing Platform [closed]
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references,or expertise, but this 开发者_开发百科question will likely so[详细]
2023-03-11 14:34 分类:问答Implementing recursion with a deep copy
How can I implement recursion in a deep copy function object? This is the relevant code (if you want more then please ask):[详细]
2023-03-11 13:47 分类:问答Alternative to MSMQ
I need to write a queuing system and I\'d like to know what alternatives are there for queuing messages around Microsoft servers to MSMQ?[详细]
2023-03-11 11:05 分类:问答Can I use hadoop to train a neutral network?
I want t开发者_如何学Pythono train a neural network with the help of Hadoop. We know when training a neural network, weights to each neuron are altered every iteration, and each iteration depends on t[详细]
2023-03-11 05:25 分类:问答We need to pickle any sort of callable
Recently a question was posed regarding some Python code attempting to facilitate distributed computing through the use of pickled processes. Apparently, that functionality has historically been possi[详细]
2023-03-10 13:53 分类:问答How to secure a Python distributed computing layer
These modules are designed to facilitate a layer of computational capacity across multiple computers. What one or more proven methods are available which will secure against spoofed packets? How can I[详细]
2023-03-10 08:46 分类:问答Python Distributed Computing (works)
I\'m using an old thread to post new code which attempts to solve the same problem. What constitutes a secure pickle? this?[详细]
2023-03-10 08:30 分类:问答