Animated MovieClip jumps around screen randomly
I have an animated MovieClip of a fly that spawns at a random location and moves across the screen by bouncing off the walls. But every time the animation starts over, it seems to \"jump\" to a random[详细]
2023-01-26 01:57 分类:问答How to export MovieClip to SWF via AS3?
I\'ve wrote some application in Flash cs5, wich allow u开发者_运维技巧sers to make their own Christmas Cards, but at the end of programming I realized, that I should to provide some function to save u[详细]
2023-01-25 11:52 分类:问答Actionscript 3.0 Dragging Loader image but getting error that it can't be converted to a movieclip
I have a script that loads an external image into the stage(I have the addChild() script somewhere else) but I keep getting an error that says:[详细]
2023-01-24 02:05 分类:问答(Actionscript 2.0) Passing a MovieClip to an external script. How to clean up
I\'ve created a class that contains all of the movie clips from the stage. These variables are referring to the instance\'s name on the stage. Everything seems fine as long as I keep all of my functio[详细]
2023-01-23 05:20 分类:问答Smooth Custom AS3 Movieclip repel function
I wrote this repel function (below) for 2 movieclips and I call it from a timer instead of an enter_frame listener (speed), but it has the tendency to jerk and not be very smooth. How can I smooth the[详细]
2023-01-22 11:29 分类:问答insert string info into addressing a movieclip in as3?
I am trying to 开发者_开发知识库dynamically address different instances of the same movieclip by passing a string into the movieclip address, but apparently I don\'t know what I\'m doing. I\'m trying[详细]
2023-01-20 20:41 分类:问答flash export won't include images imported into stage or library
I have a flash file (banner ad) that uses some jpgs that I imported onto the stage.When I publish the file... It won\'t include the images.If the images are in the same folder as the swf.开发者_如何学[详细]
2023-01-20 00:47 分类:问答Controlling as2 swf playback in as3
I am embedding a swf built in flash 8 into an as3 project. When I call stop() or gotoAndStop(0); on the MovieClip that represents an instance of the embedded swf it stops for a sec and then continues.[详细]
2023-01-19 19:51 分类:问答get the event when the loaded movieclip is ready in the right frame
i\'m developing an app that use swf to load elements and add properties to the loaded swf. I use SWFLoader to load the movie and on the COMPLETE event i move the loaded MovieClip to a specific frame a[详细]
2023-01-19 00:49 分类:问答How to see all elements of current symbol in Flash CS5
I\'m dealing with multiple hard to find/small/transparent elements within nested MovieClips in Flash CS5.Is there no outline window where I can get to an element through a tree format vs having to l开[详细]
2023-01-18 16:14 分类:问答