com.sun.xml.internal.ws.developer.JAXWSProperties not found at compile
We used the class JAXWSProperties from the com.sun.* package in the code in order to set timeout properties like this:[详细]
2023-04-03 21:53 分类:问答How to lazy load the jaxws client
The WSDL and client code generate开发者_高级运维d using wsimport are very big. So want a way / setting in jaxws to load only necessary client classes instead of loading all of them which takes ~10 sec[详细]
2023-04-03 18:08 分类:问答Can you have multiple BindingTypes on a Jax-WS Web Service?
I have a web service I have already written to handle SOAP requests, but I was wondering if I could add another binding type to have it use the Jax-WS JSON Binding made available via the jaxws-json.ja[详细]
2023-04-03 16:14 分类:问答Mapping types from two WSDLs to one Java class
I\'m using two web services from one company which each have their own wsdl. I\'m using wsimport to generate the java classes.[详细]
2023-04-03 06:07 分类:问答JAX-WS Maven and NetBeans
I am using netbeans 7 very successfully with JDK6. I need to add a JAX-WS webservice[ws] interface to my application to consume EJB service already created in the app. Since I moved to maven2 I had no[详细]
2023-04-03 01:55 分类:问答Best way to consume RPC/encoded webservice?
I need to consume old-school RPC/encoded WSDL webservice for my backend. At first I tried to use Apache CXF 开发者_JAVA技巧and JAX-WS for that, but JAX-WS wsimport tool doesn\'t eat rpc/enoded WSDL.[详细]
2023-04-02 14:57 分类:问答How to get control over JAXBContext in JAX-WS?
I need to deploy the same web service for each customer. This @javax.jws.WebService uses Object as method arguments and return types (resulting in <xs:anyType/> in wsdl). Each instance of web se[详细]
2023-04-02 04:08 分类:问答How to change endpoints on web service
I am working on calling web service client. Currently, I am connecting to the test environment. In order to connect to production environment I have to connect to production environment. My process in[详细]
2023-04-01 22:58 分类:问答Getting the following warning message when communicating with a HTTPS Web Service: "Can not find truststore url"
I am a beginner with SSL/HTTPS. Hopefully, this isn\'t a dumb question. I am writing a web service client that runs on JBOSS 4.3 which communicates with an external web service over https. I have gen[详细]
2023-04-01 22:47 分类:问答InaccessibleWSDLException in my log files but everything works fine. What's wrong?
I\'m deploying a web application which accesses some remote web services via jax-ws in a WebLogic container. Befor开发者_JAVA技巧e a web service call I see theese messages on WebLogic\'s console[详细]
2023-04-01 08:35 分类:问答