C#: How to avoid WIA-error when scanning documents with 2400dpi or more?
when we scan a document with a resolution of 2400dpi or higher, we recieve (for example) the following error-message:[详细]
2022-12-29 09:54 分类:问答Capture image from a scanner
开发者_开发知识库I am developing a small application to get some picture from a scanner. What is the best option (free) to get the picture from the scanner?[详细]
2022-12-26 06:45 分类:问答WIA Document Handling Status returns 0 even though the ADF has pages loaded
I\'m trying to scan from an ADF using VBA and the Windows Image Acquisition library (WIA).I am trying to check to see if there are pages loaded in the ADF so I know whether to scan another page.This f[详细]
2022-12-21 09:20 分类:问答Why is setting PixelType not working when negotiating Twain Session?
I\'m trying to specify programmatically settings for scanning in TWAIN session. Because amount of code here would be significant I\'m going to try to explain开发者_运维知识库 the problem without pasti[详细]
2022-12-16 17:26 分类:问答WIA, Vista, and VB6. Does this code work?
Basically the constraints here are that i must use WIA because i am trying to get my scanner software to work in Windows 7 and Vista.It would be preferable (like really preferable) if i could do this[详细]
2022-12-16 11:44 分类:问答Access scanner from Java or Python (or something else if it's technically motivated) in Linux (but Windows would be nice)
I want to write a system for handling important documents in my home. This is the user story for getting a new document:[详细]
2022-12-16 03:26 分类:问答Programatic Image Scanning and Naming
I have a typical yearbook wi开发者_Go百科th photos and a name beneath each photo.Is there a programmatic way to scan all of the photos and save them with the name beneath the photo?Yes - but unless yo[详细]
2022-12-08 07:07 分类:问答