Cropped rectangle doesn't work as expected
I have an NSView to draw a rectangle to crop image, and one NSImageView to be webcam (camera preview window).[详细]
2023-01-11 15:09 分类:问答How do I detect if a drag operation was cancelled using NSDraggingInfo or similar?
I\'ve created a subclass of NSImageView and implemented the informal protocol for dragging images between other instances of the same class. I am keeping a reference to the image of the view prior to[详细]
2023-01-07 05:36 分类:问答Changing the value of an NSImageView when it is edited via the control
I have an NSImageView which is set to editable. I would like to be able to revert to a default image when the user deletes the image. I\'ve tried changing the value that the NSImageView is b开发者_如何[详细]
2023-01-03 07:12 分类:问答How can I animate a content switch in an NSImageView?
I want to switch the image shown in an NSImageView, but I want to animate that change. I\'ve tried vari开发者_如何学编程ous methods to do this. Hopefully one of you could suggest one that might actual[详细]
2022-12-30 03:38 分类:问答Comet without AJAX
Suppose I only had the regular J2SE http libraries but wanted to write a client 开发者_JAVA百科for comet, say in Android etc, but not limited to that, i.e. not using a WebView. Since there\'s no brow[详细]
2022-12-23 14:24 分类:问答What is PocoCapsule current status?
What is PocoCapsule current status? Is it evolving? Has it been forked with some other product? What is about the whole idea of IoC for C++? If PocoCapsule is not[详细]
2022-12-23 06:21 分类:问答Customize PL/SQL exceptions in Oracle
Frequently I found myself doing some functions to insert/delete/update in one or more tables and I\'ve seen some expected exceptions been taken care of, like no_data_found, dupl_val_on_index, etc. For[详细]
2022-12-16 10:00 分类:问答Objective C - NSImageView, NSImage, NSBitmapImage rep object lifecycle?
I\'ve built a video viewer that is a Safari plugin that displays video from networked devices.The viewer reads bitmap images, prepares them, and sets them on the NSImageView object as follows:[详细]
2022-12-08 06:37 分类:问答