Generate PDF from Plone content types
I need to create PDFs from content types (made with dexerity if that matters) so that the user creates a new document and after filling the form a PDF is generated and ready to be downloaded. So basic[详细]
2023-04-07 18:29 分类:问答Customize a document_view and add a div?
This feels like a newbie question but: I am trying to create a new page from the drop-down display menu so that I can supply a background color to the page (so end user doesn\'t have to go into the h[详细]
2023-04-07 14:17 分类:问答Identifying Files in Plone BlobStorage
Files in var/blobstorage can be listed and sorted by their sizes via Unix commands. This way shows big files on top list. How can I identify these files belongs to which IDs/paths in a Plone 开发者_St[详细]
2023-04-07 08:57 分类:问答Diazo add unwanted html header into json response
I have a blank Plone开发者_开发技巧 4.1 site with only collective.quickupload installed. The upload portlet worked fine until I install and apply my theme. The files were still uploa[详细]
2023-04-06 20:33 分类:问答Customizing plone login for two factor authentication
I am new to plone and python. But here comes a scenario where i want to customize an existing plone installation login to include two factor auth from Duo-Security.[详细]
2023-04-06 18:49 分类:问答Add a module (not package) to buildout for Plone
Is there a way to add a simple module (e.g. w开发者_JS百科hich resides in the src/ directory to buildout for Plone 4? To be more specific, I have a former module I used as an ExternalMeth[详细]
2023-04-06 18:44 分类:问答How to set language on copied event with Plone
I\'m using LinguaPlone for my personal website and I have set it up using languages folder. When I try to copy and paste an image from the en language folder into the \'fr\' folder, the language is n[详细]
2023-04-06 01:09 分类:问答Replacement for getMainTemplate override in Plone 4+
In an older site we are migrating from Plone 2 to Plone 4, we\'ve overridden the main template used for a particular Archtypes-based content type using a getMainTemplate method defined on the content[详细]
2023-04-05 23:54 分类:问答How to show the image of a Dexterity-based Plone content type in a listing view?
What\'s the best way to show the image of a Dexterity-based Plone content type in a listing view? Say I have a folder with Dexterity-based content objects that provide an image field and I want to l[详细]
2023-04-05 23:30 分类:问答how to customize plone 4 collection to sort by multiple fields
I\'m building a Plone 4.1 based site and am trying to find the best way to either sort a collection by multiple sort criteria, or at least customize a collection portlet to do so for the font page of[详细]
2023-04-05 12:49 分类:问答