How listener will be executed for objects hidden by another objects in as3?
I have two movie-clips, one is small-box and another is big-box .Both are rectangular shape. Small- box has an index 0, and big-box has an index 1. Their x,y are same and big-box being big in size ge[详细]
2023-01-17 13:56 分类:问答Accessing a variable in nested movie clips - Actionscript 2
I would like to access a variable(txt1) set on an input box. The input box is in a movie clip called txt_0143. am trying to[详细]
2023-01-17 04:51 分类:问答Find all instances in a currentFrame (AS 3.0)
I have a movie with several imported videos which are instances of FLVPlayback. I want to make some Pause and Play buttons. Thus I need to know which video should I refer the stop() method to when I\'[详细]
2023-01-17 00:48 分类:问答Flash XML Data formatting
Is it possible to format text in xml file that gets displayed in flash. Below is my xml file with 3 menu labels. Is it possible to just highlight and italicize the word \'New\' when it displays in a f[详细]
2023-01-15 14:42 分类:问答Flash Transparency of Overlapping Items
In Flash, I have a container with several overlapping children.When I give this container an alpha value of .5, some of the children can be seen behind others that overlap them.I would rathe开发者_开发[详细]
2023-01-15 08:45 分类:问答how Flash and C# communicate?
i need some help in making a C# application that embed\'s a flash .swf file and what i want is to feed some data to it.[详细]
2023-01-15 07:11 分类:问答How do I move the origin point of a MovieClip in Adobe Flash CS3?
How do I move the origin point, or zero point, of a MovieClip t开发者_高级运维o the same origin point of the stage without scripting in Adobe Flash CS3?[详细]
2023-01-15 01:36 分类:问答How to addCuePoint in as3 with netstream?? i do not want to use FLVPlayback component
Is it possible to add cue points using as3 and I will not be using FLVPlayback component. I want my flv or netstream object to call a function after 7 or 16 second or at any specified time during pla[详细]
2023-01-14 17:55 分类:问答Identifying the source for a dynamic text variable
I\'m sure this is simple, but I\'m a newbie working to modify a flash template, so... Sorry. I have a dynamic text field on the stage. It\'s assigned a variable name of \"a3\". When the flash runs, i[详细]
2023-01-11 23:39 分类:问答Flash - how to start playing an SWF film being loaded before it is complete?
I have a large SWF flash file being loaded by a parent SWF and I would like to start playing the film being loaded, let\'s say, when it is 50% completed. According to my expected user\'s bandwidth and[详细]
2023-01-11 16:29 分类:问答