Ncurses with non-blocking input and fork
I am having problems to make a proper read-write between process with fork() and ncurses. I have a process (let me call it son) that control the input on the application, and also i have a process (th[详细]
2023-03-14 03:07 分类:问答Up arrow based command history in console input (C++)
I am trying to build a console application that takes user input. I was able to use printf to keep the cursor in the same place, I could have used curses as well, but I can开发者_JAVA技巧\'t get up-ar[详细]
2023-03-12 18:51 分类:问答In ncurses what does the attribute A_PROTECT do?
In ncurses: 1.What does the A_PROTECT attribute do? Everywhere on the net, the docs just say: Protected mode. What is that?[详细]
2023-03-11 23:46 分类:问答How can I find the value of LC_XXX locale integr constants so that I can use them with cffi
I have this code开发者_JS百科: (define-foreign-library libc (:unix \"\")) (use-foreign-library libc)[详细]
2023-03-11 06:40 分类:问答movement binding in c++ using ncurses
I can\'t get this movement binding to work.I\'m using the ncurses library, update_ch and oldch are global variables.KEYERR is a macro set to -120 (I just don\'t handle those keypresses).I\'m trying to[详细]
2023-03-08 21:51 分类:问答NCurses and ESC,ALT keys
I have a problem with NCurses... i need to handle all keys like Esc, Alt+F etc. Problem is that the codes are similar... i.e:[详细]
2023-03-05 15:12 分类:问答Fixed header and footer with ncurses?
I\'m trying out ncurses for the first time (via UniCurses for Python).I\'m trying to design a console application with a fixed header and footer but the documentation isn\'t clear on how I would go ab[详细]
2023-03-04 06:31 分类:问答Curses string and char manipulation problems
Hey so i\'m trying to get addstr() in the pdCurses library to work (windows curses) with the preferred string class so i made the function the following string_to_80char() function, which is supposed[详细]
2023-03-03 23:44 分类:问答Why is ncurses not displaying text?
ncurses_init(); ncurses_addstr(0, 0, \"test\"); ncurses_refresh(); ncurses_getch(); ncurses_end(); This should be displaying \"test\" at the top left, but it isn\'t. Any开发者_高级运维 idea why?[详细]
2023-03-01 08:16 分类:问答Printing inside window, not on borders
I\'m trying to write something inside a curses window, but it seems to write on borders too. How can I fix the code below?[详细]
2023-02-28 13:27 分类:问答