UI generation like OpenXava?
Do you know any advanced UI generation framework that can generate UI from a model or database? I know Grails and Spring Roo have something but they are only for simple CRUD operations, the best i fo[详细]
2023-03-05 11:52 分类:问答Removing content from database, security precautions
UPDATE: I added the CSRF protection like Berdir told me, with the help of the link below to make my application w开发者_JAVA技巧ork again. However.. I\'m not quite sure what I did right now :D How is[详细]
2023-03-04 17:18 分类:问答CRUD Operations in a C# WFP Windows application that interacts with ADO Entity Model
I\'ve setup an ADO entity model for my Windows application, and am able to get the data out of the tables that I need. However, when I try to update/insert/delete it just doesn\'t like the code that I[详细]
2023-03-02 15:29 分类:问答Zend CRUD Data Mapper Example?
C开发者_JAVA百科an anyone point or sketch a VERY BASIC data Mapper Example on CRUD operations, considering that, we have at least two tables related with a foreign key ?[详细]
2023-03-01 17:46 分类:问答Entity ID as input model field vs action parameter?
Should an input model for creating or updating entities have an ID field to identify the entity, or should your edit action accept an ID parameter?[详细]
2023-02-28 21:08 分类:问答PDO Bind Value vs Insert
Besides the advantage of escaping value when using bind value in PDO, is there any difference in performance when using bind value with multiple values (prepare the statement on开发者_高级运维ce, but[详细]
2023-02-28 02:56 分类:问答Access 2003 - Create and Delete Many-To-Many associations
I need to develop a front end to a MSSQL database just to modify a few tables. I decided to use Access 2003 simply because of time restraints.[详细]
2023-02-28 00:50 分类:问答many to many crud
I\'m currently implementing CRUD for a project. I have a lot of many-to-many relationships. Some of them are table1_id, table2_id, and some of them have additional columns (price, amount, etc).[详细]
2023-02-27 12:09 分类:问答Performing CRUD operations from android to server?
Could you guys link me to any resources or point me in the right direction? I\'ve been searching on google all day, but I only get SQLite tutorials and articles, maybe I\'m not looking in the right di[详细]
2023-02-25 20:53 分类:问答Hotel Management System - Choice Between ASP.NET Forms, Desktop Based or MVC based System
We are developing a Hotel Management System based on .NET Platform. I have already developed a prototype version with Windows Forms. But now we need to take a major decision. Whether to go for ASP.NET[详细]
2023-02-25 18:27 分类:问答