Draw shape shifting objects on (desktop)screen
I\'m currently developing a program to show and control animated sprites on the desktopscreen. My problem is now to actually draw them onto the screen. The user should still be able to access other ap[详细]
2023-03-28 01:58 分类:问答Detect Desktop and redirect..?
I want to redirect all the users to desktop site who try to brows开发者_JS百科e mobile site in there desktop browsers..!![详细]
2023-03-27 05:09 分类:问答Determining the Destination of a Message for Sandboxing in Cocoa
So I just added sandboxing to one of my products.It\'s totally functional except that the final step in the workflow is to set the desktop.It does this via NSWorkspace.When I call[详细]
2023-03-26 16:10 分类:问答Is it possible to see system's user desktop? How to desktop of your user from another session?
I run Windows 7. I run windows service that runs a program with GUI. I cannot see the GUI of my program because it was started from another session开发者_JAVA技巧 by system or even my user.[详细]
2023-03-26 06:49 分类:问答how to run apk remotely
开发者_如何学GoAnyone know how to run an Android APK inside a webpage? I need my sales guys to be able to demo our Android app for potential clients without the trouble of being onsite or asking them[详细]
2023-03-25 13:10 分类:问答looping problem in phonon audio player-in Qt
A song is set as static in Phonon audio player. The loop works using aboutToFinish(). The problem开发者_运维技巧 is that there is a 1 sec delay at the end of the song, then the song repeats.[详细]
2023-03-24 23:18 分类:问答Benchmark simulating "realistic" desktop/server workload
I\'m currently working on a good energy estimation 开发者_Go百科using the CPU\'s performance counters. To be able to choose the best counters, I need a benchmark simulating realistic workload.[详细]
2023-03-24 18:07 分类:问答creating a fullscreen desktop environment?
how to create a fullscreen application, with no window frame, to simulate a \'virtual desktop\'? I would like to know if it\'s possible using java and Qt C++? and what are the开发者_运维技巧 syntaxe f[详细]
2023-03-24 09:59 分类:问答How to handle HTML/CSS font sizing for desktop browsers and mobile browsers?
I have a couple questions relating to setting the font size using em, pt, px and/or percent. If your web application is for a desktop browser only then what do you use: em, pt, px and/or percent? If[详细]
2023-03-24 06:20 分类:问答How can I attach plain jQuery when displayed on the desktop and attach jQuery Mobile when displayed on mobile?
I am building a website that I want to use jQuery Mobile to do the javascript when on mobile devices, but since jQuery开发者_如何学编程 Mobile is not supported by all desktop browsers yet I want norma[详细]
2023-03-23 22:11 分类:问答